If all of our sins are forgiven, what is GOD going to judge us for when we die?
by jam 55 Replies latest jw friends
If he didn't keep judging us how could we continue through all eternity to recieve his blessed forgiveness and bow down to him? And what about the 144,000? He surely could not let them get bored, lest their minds wander to unsavory thoughts. Yes step right up, and behold the great cosmic joke, get your court jester outfits and kneepads ready, it's going to be a long haul! Don't you find it curious that the whole system in heaven was unsatisfactory for 1/3 of all the angels that they left? One has to wonder if they were completely bored out of their minds up there, kinda like meetings and service but every day.
sorry for double post.
he would have been "eating and drinking unworthily " and thus eating and drinking "judgment as to himself."
Thats not what Paul meant by partaking "unworthily", its a common misunderstanding among christians. Please take a look at the context.
kinda like meetings and service but every day. - tootired2care
A celestial and eternal North Korea - but in heaven even your thoughts are censored.
Thats not what Paul meant by partaking "unworthily", its a common misunderstanding among christians. Please take a look at the context.
Well, by ALL means, please... "enlighten" us. What did Paul mean?
A slave of Christ,
Yeah Cofty, no Gangnam style up there...LOL.
Shelby - read the context. The bible isn't a box of random fortune cookies.
Christians in Corinth were having meals together and taking the bread an wine as part of that "love feast" - no not that kind!
There were class divisions and the poor had little or nothing to eat and the wealthy were looking after themselves. Some of them were getting drunk.
Paul pointed out they were missing the whole point and eating judgement against themselves.
Many twist this to mean that nobody should take communion until they have a good conscience because they are "unworthy". The whole point of the act of communion is that nobody is worthy.
Yeah Cofty, no Gangnam style up there...LOL.
Yeah there is an up-side
Shelby - read the context.
I have.
The bible isn't a box of random fortune cookies.
Christians in Corinth were having meals together and taking the bread an wine as part of that "love feast" - no not that kind!
Yes, and no, I know not "that" kind...
There were class divisions and the poor had little or nothing to eat and the wealthy were looking after themselves. Some of them were getting drunk.
Well, there was a little more to it than that (some wouldn't sit with others and so judged those they refused to sit with, some were eating before arriving and so passed up the bread/wine because they were already "full", some did not eat before and so took to it like it was the meal and overindulging... ALL missing the POINT of BEING there)
Paul pointed out they were missing the whole point and eating judgement against themselves.
Eating "judgment"... how? And were these the ONLY way one can "eat and drink judgement" against themselves??
Many twist this to mean that nobody should take communion until they have a good conscience because they are "unworthy".
This is true, though, C. One must be clean... on the INSIDE... have cleansed the INSIDE of the "cup"... before "inviting" God and Christ to come "make their abode" IN such one. Otherwise, one is presenting a PROFANED temple in which the spirit of God is to reside.
The whole point of the act of communion is that nobody is worthy.
Agreed. No one IS worthy of the LIFE that the SACRIFICE these represent allows. That life is a GIFT, based on God's UNdeserved kindness... not our own "worthiness." However, if we eat and drink, in a gesture of acceptance of that sacrifice on behalf of our own sins (which is what eating and drinking represents, the ratification of OUR covenant with God, for salvation)... but have not acknowledged those sins... OR have not resolved our issues with others who we believe MIGHT have sinned against US (and so are "judging" them)... we are eating and drinking judgment... as to OUR sins (which, like Adham, we are STILL trying to "hide" from God)... or as to the judgment with which we "judge" another... against ourselves.
We are, in essence, "binding" in heaven... what we are "binding"... on earth.
I get it that you don't like what I share, C... but it is the truth. Ask... for yourself.
A slave of Christ,
Yeah Cofty, no Gangnam style up there...LOL.
Bah !