JW annual meeting forwards
by Captain Obvious 13 Replies latest jw friends
Captain Obvious
Oops posted too soon..
Anyway, I had hoped to stop hearing more a out the goddamn annual meeting, but my dad seems to want to forward to me all of the ridiculous forwards he gets about it. Just got another one. I'll make you guys suffer as well...
Here is a story told at the annual meeting......
You know how the society has been cutting costs, part time help, cutting back on cd;s selling property etc... well , you know the famous WATCHTOWER READ GODS WORD DAILY " sign is on one side of the place,,,, well ,,, on the other side is a sign but also a clock which is lit at night! Well the G.B, decided that it cost too much in electricity so they decided to turn it off! Now remember , this has been lit since forever as far as bethel goes. Well they got inundated with phone calls and Emails telling them that the clock was dark and the lights were out, The brothers would politely answer that yes they understood but that they are cutting costs so decided to turn it off. WELL..... the MAYORS office eventually p honed and said that THEY were inundated with calls objecting to the clock being turned off , so when the brothers told them about the cost cutting the mayor said....." We will have a man come over and put a meter on that side and the City will pay for it!!!! .........WOW talk about a LANDMARK!!!! JEHOVAH is amazing and truly awe inspiring!!!Barf.
So far I have yet to hear a single JW mention the Noo Lite. Just more BS about the oh so glorious GB.
Captain Obvious
Side point... How many of those forwards are from our wonderful apostates? If there aren't any going around at the moment, we should start some. See how far they go around! You never know, might wake some up, might make some stop forwarding the damn things!
Bloomberg? I wouldn't be surprised if he wastes tax dollars keeping this bloody clock lit. And for what? What if I were to place a dazzling Christmas display up? Would Bloomberg want to keep that lit if everyone were to complain the one year I decided not to spend the money on electricty? This is hardly Jehovah--unless Bloomberg is one of those Jehovah worshiping creatures that is so corrupt that it would ban sugar sodas in New York City but not aspartame ones.
If I were the mayor, I would simply instruct people that, if they wanted a lit clock, they could go out and install one on their own property. Unless it is a safety issue, lighting it is a waste of electricity. I don't think that many people really gave a fxxx about it. How many other signs have been around since the 1800s, fall into disrepair, and get torn down? It happens all the time. This is not a major miracle, just something that results from someone wasting a few tax dollars and a cost that is trivial. Besides, the benefits are trivial.
If they really wanted to save money, they could have replaced the old incandescent light bulbs with energy efficient LED's. They would save nearly 90%, get light only where it would do the most good, and never have to worry about a blown light bulb for a good long time. I use LED's on my yearly Christmas display, which uses only 120 watts for 1,200 watts' worth of fun, and I am sure the tenants would be just as noisy about wanting them back on if the landlord ever wanted them down for energy costs that they would pay up the 5 or 6 toilet papers to keep them on. This is not a big deal--a damn clock display is such a minor "blessing" even if it is real that it hardly merits mention.
This is not a real story... One I have never noticed the "clock. Two the writer of such propaganda is obviously from another time and doesn't realize in 2012 99.99999999999999% of people in NYC and everywhere else have a clock in their pocket. It's called a cell phone.
What Cagefighter said...
I'd guess that IF such calls were made, "Andre" and his buddies made those calls to the mayor - it would have been a sneaky and cheap way for the Watchtower Society to fob off the costs onto someone else, seeing as so much of their money is dwindling with shrinking donations from cash-strapped JWs.
@ Templelijah
>>They are going to checkmate Bethel queen "Mother" worldwide; (Hos4:5-6)
Arrr... Yep that's their plan alright.
And yes you're also correct in your assertion that all those scriptures you quote are specifically about the Watchtower Society.
You really got it all worked out.
Is it this one? http://www.mymodernmet.com/profiles/blogs/modern-architecture-all-along (not sure if this is the one being talked about. When did the WTS buy this building?
But doesn't the City know the WTS is selling out & moving to the hills?
Maybe the City should just buy the "clock" building so WTS can get out of there.
Anyway, the WTS obviously is turning off 'all' their lights,,especially their "new light" stuff.