Since we have people from all over the world in here what was the opinion on sisters wearing trousers to the meetings and in field service, in the cong i used to go to it was frowned upon very heavily, although we could find no scriptual basis for it, was anyone allowed to wear them?
by chezza 18 Replies latest jw friends
Not in my old hall. My wife even caught crap for wearing cowboy boots. She told the PO we live in mud, deal with it.
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
I'd like to learn more about the JW "dress code" myself. I don't get it. My mom quoted me some scripture about it being a sin for a man/woman to dress as the opposite sex. I took that verse to mean deliberately dressing to be "deceptive." I don't know any women that could seriously pass for a man, just because they are wearing pants. Furthermore, most every JW woman I've met, wastes no time in getting out of their JW garb asap, after meetings/service. Is it for the public image only? If not, why don't they wear dresses/skirts 24/7? Keeping up appearances? Is it to appear "professional?" Most career women I know rarely wear dresses and they look both modest and professional. What's the deal?
Hi Kist we were given the same reasoning from the same scripture, but, we must remember that at the time that scripture was written it was common for men to wear dresses,so is that what men should wear today? Just look at all the publications that depict older christians with dresses on, and isnt it that we were meant to dress the same as the business community would, i'm sure there are woman who wear business suits with pants to work especially in winter.
Kist my wife mentioned exactly that. She was told that you should dress as a professional woman would. She said well then, I'm professional, should I wear my wranglers as I raise horses? How about if I were a prostitute???
They laughed, an uncomfortable laugh
Never Squat With Yer Spurs On -
Good point. In trying to understand where my mom is comming from, I've noticed a real picking and choosing from the scriptures. This is especially true about what was written to the first century Christians. I've never understood the logic of adopting certain legalistic practices while ignoring others.
new boy
The society has been telling people what to were forever, In the “70s” we were not allowed to ware Levi’s at any time at bethel N.Y. The society loves to get in your closet, bedroom, or any other place they can!
True kirst i always remember them saying not to take a scripture out of context but they seem to do it well if they feel it is to their advantage, maybe they dont like woman wearing trousers because of the saying she wears the pants in that house, in other words not under subjection
Yeah, can't have women "wearing the pants." lol! Funny, I live in an area that has quite a few Apostolic Lutherans (they are UNLIKE any Lutheran denomination I've EVER been around) folks around here call them "Bun-heads." They too have picked a scripture that "supports" their unique practice/grooming standards...the women do not cut their is their "crown." And makeup...forget's for harlots. I find it all very interesting.
Absolutely no pants. If you wore them to work you had to go home and change clothes and of you were running late, before sitting down you would change in the ladies room.