Chaserious - Ha! By automatic default they must have been b.s. A regular jw would NEVER do such a thing. Although a pioneer would. I was in f.s. with a pioneer one late afternoon. It was just me and him. We finished some apts. and he backed his caddy right into a car behind us. He gave a sideways look at me, put it back in drive and drove out of there like a bat-out-of-hell!
WHAT ARE YOUR MOST VIVID, ODD, or FUNNY Memories of Conventions and Assemblies of Jehovah's Witnesses?
by Balaamsass 86 Replies latest jw experiences
The pitch invasion at Manchester Maine Road - they were selling off the flowers on the last day, one minute there was an orderly line the next someone ran up to the front and start grabbing all the flowers and this started a trend, it turned into absolute chaos with people just running up to the front and grabbing anything they could - by the time it was finished everyone in the stands had stopped talking and was just watching what was going on on the pitch , there were trampled flowers everywhere. Very embarrassing !
When I visited my last district convention, the neighboring congregation organized a hotel. They did not follow the Society's advice to chose a hotel from the list but rather booked a hotel through the bus company.
Now, the presiding overseer visited that hotel and didn't like it. So, he cancelled it and booked another hotel.
The congregation was quite surprised when they found that their convention hotel was right in the middle of Frankfurt's red light district. In the streets around the hotel there was nothing but brothels, strip clubs, table-dance bars etc. There were even shootings at night and whatnot.
A couple of years ago at a circuit assembly in Queensland Australia my husband had to break up a fight between two carpark attendants, one was an MS and one an Elder.
The MS had little man syndrome and always acted like he was better than everyone else ( he was a broke supermarket trolley collector, who also got his sons into the trolley collecting business, how do you support a family on that?) The elder was a smart ass prick and also worked in the same shopping centre as a janitor. lol They had a falling out at work and brought it to the assembly. Maybe it was about who made more money in their pathetic loser jobs.
Hands down: Cheese Danish
Close second: girls! We would wait all year to see new sets of legs in heels.
I'm just busting up laughing all of these posts. How did we ever endure all of that insanity???
When I was a kid at one of the many assemblies at Yankee Stadium, they always had to turn a mens room into a ladies room, which meant just two stalls because of the urinals on the wall, well one sister couldn't wait so, in front of the line waiting for the two stalls she dropped her drawers and backed up on the urinal and peed. Hmm, just wondering, did the have pre-op trannies back then in the mid 60's because she didn't spill a drop on the floor !
Many of the Conventions now use low power FM radio to transmit the program. During the program I notecied a number of people near me listing in to the program on their FM radio. So I took out my little MP3 FM transmitter that I had modifed with an antenna wire to gave it a greater range.Tuned it onto the same freq that the convention was using. Instantly everyone listening in within about a 10 metre radius took out their little radios and started trying to retune.
man in black
Hawthorne park in Cicero Illinois.
I worked for the track vet for the racetrack next door ( Sportsmans), so I went there quite regularly.
During the DA, I would take my son's and several of their friends for a walk right after lunch. We went into the racetrack, and they got
the "royal tour" from people I knew, I think that they all felt sorry for the kids so the horse trainers went out of their way to be nice.
Anyway, we returned to the assembly around mid- afternoon. Several of the kids had aluminum horseshoes given to them by jockeys !
Parents really gave me the stink eye.
But my kids were celebrities, because they held the ticket for getting away from the program that day. We did this several times during the next severa
years, mostly with different kids each time.
Good times
Jack Murphy stadium San DIego in the 80’s an entire area suddenly cleared out of their seats opposite where I was sitting. Turns out a skunk was in the back corridor and had sprayed.
Half a dozen years ago when I still gave a damn, I had the great "fun" of being on security duty for the money room at a DC. We were given red ID cards to wear out of sight under the regular JW badge. Anyone who wanted to get into the money counting room had to provide their ID with their signed red badge. If they didn't have one the instruction was, "No badge, no admittance!"
The real fun came when Brother I'm the DC chairman, and my s--t don't stink came strolling up with his nose in the air and was going to walk right past me. I knew the prick personally, and had had more than one run in with him over his idea that one couldn't be a JW and still be a cowboy. I stood up and blocked his way. He tried to brush past me and being that I am 6'3" and 230 lbs of working ranch cowboy he didn't make it very far. I told him, "Show me your money room ID." He got all pissy and said I knew who he was and as DC chairman he could go wherever he wanted. We had a pretty good argument going and I didn't back down. The upshot was he went to get "hire up" back-up. When he and the big boys came back they asked why I didn't let him in. I told them, "No admittance!" The deflated look on the idiots face was priceless when they took my side.