any medication commercial where the side effects are worse the original ailment. example, allergies...side effect...anal hemmoraging.
Since Fluff is Allowed (and Often Preferable): Stupid, Asinine, Gross, Ridiculous, and other "Bad" Commercials?
by AGuest 18 Replies latest jw friends
Tec you said you haven't seen the commercial..
So just for you here it is in it's entirety.
Now don't you be fantasying after seeing it... :)
Something tells me after seeing this commercial a lot of girls going to be checking out the deli and produce sections of their local grocery stores in case they've recently hired some new employees. haha
LOL@Stonewall. (and at the commercial, just for its cheesiness factor... sort of like mentos)
You know what? I bought that liquid plumber when I was having drain issues, but that stupid little snake did absolutely nothing. I guess the fantasy doesn't do much for reality ;)
finally awake
I hate the Truvia commercials because that woman can't sing and the words are stupid. Plus, I hate anything with Whitney Houston in it.
I can almost say with certainty that I will NOT buy it just BECAUSE it irritates the heck out of me.
For every person who has that reaction, there are 20 or 40 or 100 for whom the advertising message works as intended.
Advertisers will take that success rate any day of the week.
that stupid little snake did absolutely nothing. I guess the fantasy doesn't do much for reality
Okaaay, dear tec (peace to you, chile!)? I've tried Liquid Plum'r AND the little snakey thing... neither worked when I tried them. But, who knows, maybe I had a "defective"? But now I wouldn't even try it again because of this commercial... and I think it's a travesty that now they're using "sex" to try and sell a non-working product (if my experience wasn't isolated). People who buy it on that basis can't be the brightest crayons in the box, IMHO (SA winks at dear sir82 - peace to you, as well!).
Oh, a great houskeeping hint: I once rented in a house that had the fiberglass tub/insert which was dingy when I moved in. I simply filled it with hot water, poured in a bottle of Drano... put some on a sponge and wiped on the sides/insert... then let it all sit for a couple/few hours. Wipe, drain, rinse... and voila! That tub sparkled like it had been bought from the HomeDepot and installed that day!
Peace, chikkens!
A slave of Christ,
SA, on her own... who HATES fiberglass tubs. Gimme porcelain, enamel, stone... any of those non-porous and/or "shiny" surfaces that clean up with a little SoftScrub...
Edited to add: ARGGGGHHHH! I watched the dang video (my eyes, my eyes)!! And I hate it even WORSE, now, as without sound you see even more - like her ridiculous facial "acting", etc. Gimme a break... it's DRAIN cleaner! Goodness, I could see if was, say, perfume... wine... maybe a good steak. A car. A car wash, even. But DRAIN cleaner?? C'MON, people... don't let your "pocket" rule your pocket THAT much (SA winks at dear sir82... again...)
I hear you, dear Shirl (peace to you!), but am conflicted - I come from a time when women's unmentionables weren't... mentioned... but am glad they are now because SO many women I've known (young women and women who might not live in more urban areas) just don't know things they should. Since their own moms... and/or doctors... may not have told them... at least they can research/ask questions.
I hear you, too, dear Fakesmile (peace to you, as well!), but I'd go farther: the one's that list "cancer, coma, or death." I mean, WTFrick! I asked about this in law school and the thinking (by the FDA) is that if the the benefits "outweigh" the dangers... then it's safe enough to go on the market. So one or two deaths... compared with 30 to 40 benefits...
Personally, I think it's a crap shoot and folks are playing Russian roulette with their lives (so I stick to insulin and Tylenol). But that's "America" - we want a pill to fix pretty much anything and everything... and will take it, even if it means risking a bullet left in the chamber...
A slave of Christ,
keyser soze
This is the greatest ad ever, for eyeglasses:
Sex sells.