What is up with the influx of electronic readers at the Kingdom Hall

by wannabefree 31 Replies latest jw friends

  • wannabefree


    The local publishers seem to be jumping on the e-reader bandwagon.

    Sisters even in their 70's are showing up at the hall with ipads loaded with publications for the meetings for crying out loud!

    A couple of these elderly sisters are having me get theirs ready ... should I add CoC and Captives of a Concept ... perhaps Studies vol VII ... to the library for them. haha

  • LostGeneration

    Haha wannebefree, unfortunately you would be outed in a New York second on that one.

    Better to load it up with a dozen romance novels, get their engine running on something other than cult propoganda!

  • OnTheWayOut

    I think these people feel more "with-it" in being modern, up to the latest technology.
    They may also feel "green" and responsible for saving the Borg a little money.

    It's also hugely convenient. I used to print up scripture references for the WT study and WT references for meetings with C.O..
    If I could have saved paper and ink and just displayed it on a screen, I would have done that.

    Keep in mind that eventually, WTS cracked down on printing references ahead of time and not opening the NW Translation.

    They may be changing their minds this time around to save on printing. Remember how fast JW's ruined those paperback Bibles.

  • wannabefree

    just a few years ago it was a big no-no to bring a laptop or some other electronic device to use at the meetings ... I remember some tech savvy brothers using Palm devices that had publications adapted for them ... how times are a changin'

  • jamiebowers

    Load Fifty Shades of Gray, LOL!

  • wannabefree

    "Fifty Shades of Gray" ... thanks for the education, I had to look it up to see what it was ... probably more acceptable than an apostate book

  • Finkelstein

    Faddish as Look what I've got.

    In KHs there's a lot of look what I've got, in spite of the pretentious down play of materialism.

  • happytobefree

    Wow...that would have been wonderful when I was going. Instead of reading the JW crap...I could have been enjoying a great novel, completing my homework, playing games.

    I'm going to have to invest in purchasing devices for my parents. It may help loosen the grip of the Borg.

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    I'm going to have to invest in purchasing devices for my parents.

    Gift them one for Christmas...

  • zeb

    the same as bros printing all sorts of comments to use in the WT. Trying hard to get more out of the thing. Prob is the WTS has contempt for scholarship and any 'looking up' in my experience can only be via the WTS publications.

    Lets hope some one slips in an article on being so long winded about presentations. and that taking up the max amount of time is not what its about.

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