Haven't met him, but keep running into Stephen Rea when out and about in NYC.
We must have similar tastes in music/bars/neighborhoods.
by minimus 79 Replies latest jw friends
Haven't met him, but keep running into Stephen Rea when out and about in NYC.
We must have similar tastes in music/bars/neighborhoods.
In the late 1990's when I was still single, I was having lunch at a local mexican restaurant alone and I saw this older woman who looked EXACTLY like the then manager of the San Fransisco Giants baseball team Dusty Baker ! A total spitting image of him ! After eating lunch I noticed she was almost leaving too- so I just had to ask her, " excuse me ma'am, I don't mean to be intrusive but are you related to S.F. Giants manager Dusty Baker ? You look SO much like him ! " She laughed and said, " Yes, I'm his mom ! " LOL ! Then we had this cool 5 minute conversation about how Dusty was in Arizona at spring training getting the Giants ready for the upcoming season then and how she worked at a travel agency somewhere in the area. So I thanked her, told her it was nice to meet her and to have a nice day. I guess that's about my 5 minutes with fame ! LOL !
When you say have I ever SEEN anyone famous, well of course, been to many music concerts and seen musicians perform ( including Paul McCartney ) , but I think you mean in a casual context ? Peace out, Mr. Flipper
Alexander O'Neil
Nigella Lawson
Nancy Dell'Olio
Sarah Ferguson
Liz Hurley
Colin Firth
Met and small talked (at work):
Political -ex 1st Lady, various representatives and senators.
Movies & Music- Steven Spielberg, Daryl Hanna, Dobbie brothers, Sam Eliot, Some 2cd rate Nashville music people.
Corporate: The Packard and Hewitt families and 2cd&3rd rate Silicon Valley "Nobility".
JW land. 9 + past members of the governing body (weekly-work).
Politicos are the most engaging...kings of smooze...working to be re-elected. Spielberg was a prince...asks lots of questions about you..you become the only person in the room....like he is always fleshing out characters for a future film. The founders of HP were nice people-class acts. Sam Eliot is a cool dude, big smile, friendly, but not talkative. Seems like his movie character.
JW land- Both Franzes were very friendly and engaging. Knorr was nice to me. Booth was very kind and nice. Sidlick -either an insulting asshole or fun guy-depended on the day. Chitty -too "friendly and busy" and Greenlees - "busy" . Gangas- friendly- but odd. The others seemed aloof and usually just barked orders. Some seemed to be getting dementia- even in the 70s.
Queen of England many years ago at some horse trials that her daughter was in. Some legendary F1 racing drivers at Goodwood.
Astronaut: Buzz Aldrin
Entertainment: Art Buchwald, Chubby Checker, Dick Clark, John Denver, Mike Farrell, Henry Fonda, Mary Frann, Stan Laurel, Mike Love, David Nelson, Bob Newhart, Leonard Nimoy, Tom Poston, Alan Seuss, B.J. Thomas, Judge Wapner
Politics/Government (UK): Lord Denning, Edward Heath, Harold Wilson
Politics/Government (USA): John Anderson, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Hubert Humphrey, Lyndon Johnson, Ed Meese, Richard Nixon, Ronald Reagan, William Rehnquist
Sports: Glenn Beckert, Lou Boudreau, Dave Corzine, Mike Ditka, Tommy Lasorda, Ed O'Bradovich, Ron Santo
I met Minimus...............!
I have met:
Barbara Anderson
Plenty others, but those are the most famous ones.
On the lighter side, when I was a teen, then-current President Jimmy Carter shook hands with the person standing next to me. I spoke briefly with Bill Murray as he was riding on the same airport shuttle I was on in Los Angeles.
Anybody outside of the UK is unlikely to have heard of him.
Anybody inside the UK will feel sorry for me. (Kinnock the pillock)
Lolol @ OnTheWayOut! I don't qualify as famous