Eva Luna, what an interesting story! I have read the Name of the Rose several times. Too bad Umberto Ecco's later books are so pretentious. The Name of the Rose is nearly perfect.
I'm interested in your technique, CoCo. You write a paragraph or two and from that we can see the whole story. I tried doing that, but I don't know whether I succeeded. I'm much better at writing "The pectoralis major muscle originates on the medial half of the clavicle, the sternum, the cartilage of ribs one through six and the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle."
Here's my try at writing a la CoCo:
I wonder whether a rich and satisfying fantasy life can be dangerous? I can't pay attention, any more, to my humdrum daily round. The siren call of phantasms pulls me away to another world. My true love is there. My child is there, my most creative works. That world has brighter colors, more stirring adventures, more beautiful music. I can fly in that world, drift from glory to glory surrounded by the sounds of heavenly arias. It's harder and harder to go back to the world most people think of as real. So dull, so hard, so painful, who would want to go back to that if they could enter paradise instead? I wish there was a magic potion that would allow me to dream forever. There isn't -- at least I haven't found one. I'm left to experiment with drugs, legal and otherwise.