**** Until now there are propably not even two thinking christians that could agree on the truth 100%.****
The WBTS defination of being in the truth ( new light or old) is the GBs understanding in ALL things. The TRUTH to Christians is in a person. The whole embodiment of Jehovah's wisdom and knowledge is in his beloved Son. As a Christian I'm in possession of ALL truth and wisdom. Its Spiritual. Its a quality of life that enables godly living. This is NOT an achedemic knowledge of Bibical facts and Doctrines. James 3 shows the fruit of truth and wisdom from above As opposed to carnal knowledge and knowing scriptures. You search the scriptures thinking you will find eternal life and yet you will not come to me !!!
I Am, the Way, The Truth, and the Life......that's truth not achedemics
Christians in this UNION of Spirit and Truth, may differ in education, understanding, but a genuine divine love is a bond beyond words. Colossians 1:13