Man, why cant I get some of this curb-side service? Its as if GOD is delivering them to your front doors. I must be doing something wrong.
Jehovah's Witnesses came round to my house
by Chariklo 35 Replies latest jw friends
Are these people barmy?!
It appears so.
Ideas, anyone?
Well, it might be that the first pair told their story of your encounter to the others (which is evidenced by the timid lady's reaction). The second pair may have taken the first pairs' failure as a challenge... "Well, WE can get further than you did." and so came knocking.
It just puzzles me though... when you have evidently clearly apostasized yourself - why they are coming back to you. Oh, wait. I just read your initial postings. If I am correct, you were never baptized. That makes you okay to be approached later - like they are now doing.
One possibility that comes to mind... are you a 'fox'? That is, are you a young gal with looks that the other young fellas locally are wanting to... well... they want you. Pickings locally must be slim.
You're playing 'hard to get' right now, and that makes you even more desireable.
You may have to move. Far away. Far far away.
That or start wearing satanic crosses, dye your hair black (or green if it's naturally black), get tattooed all over, wear goth clothing... moving may be easier.
By the way, do you have your Christmas lights up yet? A tree visible through the window? C'mon! You're a slacker! Get with it! Show your paganism! With pride!
Jim TX
P.S. Please don't take any of my rantings personally - I'm just having fun at your expense.
There's no reasoning with the JW 'mind cleansed'(TM) drones. The WBT$ is right and everyone else is wrong...end of.
Don't waste your breath or time. Just hope they find their way out of the cult before it kills them.
It's very frustrating though.
It just puzzles me though... when you have evidently clearly apostasized yourself - why they are coming back to you. Oh, wait. I just read your initial postings. If I am correct, you were never baptized. That makes you okay to be approached later - like they are now doing.
Yes, Jim, they have me in their sights as the one that got away and who they mignht be able to get back. I was a particularly diligent (and brainwashed) unbaptised publisher, who two stupid elders bullied crazily one fell night in February, and then I finally realised what I was getting myself into, and I walked.
Jgnat, Circuit Overseer's visit...yes, could be, good idea, they are out and about everywhere at the minute. Even since those two came round a couple of hours ago, one of my daughters rang me and she had encountered some in the street who recognised her and asked after me, they did the wqhole "we miss her so much" nonsense. She was never a JW...she went to the KH once with me and vowed never again!
Thanks for the hugs, punk. I thought I could just laugh it off after the visit 6 days ago by the very elder who had bullied me back in February; he is the coordinating elder. But I have actually started waking up at three in the monring and so clearly he got to me...they really traumatised me back then. Ithink enough is enough, and action of some sort is called for.
The Christmas lights idea is excellent. They'll go up tomorrow, along with a big tree in the window! I shall make a BIG statement!
I like to compare the "Truth" to a virus, once you have taken your antibiotic and have beaten that strain of "bug"(WTBTS arguments) any left over "bugs" that present themselves to your "new immune system" will fail in bringing you back down.
On another note, I think it is very important to take ALL of your antibiotic, (continued research ever after you think you are "out") per the Drs order, as if you do not, it can come back to haunt you and take you out.
( I have not seen so many comparisons since the original Leviathan breakdown)
ALL I want for Christmas is to have my user name changed from notjustyet to " scummydross " lol
Don't forget the wreath on the front door!
Hopefully they won't be back, but if they do, perhaps a registered letter, which you keep a copy of (registered letters are the ones you have to sign for, correct?), telling them you do not want them to contact you again. EVER! Then perhaps keep a filled super soaker water gun around, and soak 'em if they come back after the letter.
Char -
the very elder who had bullied me back in February; he is the coordinating elder.
Bully and COBE a perfect match of terms. No oxymoron there....a moron perhaps.....
Once you realise those sods have no authority over you is the easier it gets.
My response now would be somewhate very much cruder!
Chariko, first hi.
I have followed your story and love what you said to the first lot. I have to say that the default comment about it being the 'truth' is, I hink a panic response when they don't know what else to say. I had that speech when an elder tried to make an appointment for a shepherding call, I had politely refused and then basically told him I know where to find him if I need him. I am still, so far a faded dub and I understand the trauma all too well, but I too have come a long way.
On a similar note, similar note, where my teenage child works is a member of our old congregation. He was asked if he used to go to the KH, to which he replied "Used to" with emphasis.
I have seen from reading your story just how far you have come, Chariko. Love you putting them in their place. They just don't understand how anyone doesn't want to join them, or why people do well when they escape.
Stay strong!
this borders on stalking if it happened the way you said it did. send a tresspass warning in the mail certified to the kh and make a police report. that should be the eend of it.