This explains alot about how the NWT was translated and what not. it is very interesting
I never realized how many errors are in the NWT check this out
by LuLu4YouYou 14 Replies latest jw friends
Many years ago my Wife brought me to a pastor of a Baptist church in northern NH anyways he argued that the NWT changed words in the scripture such as in the book of John I think it is 1:1 not positive though but where they put A where it did not belong and that one word changed the meaning of the whole scripture I was so stubborn and argued now I wish my wife was still here. So she could see that her trying to help me get a better understanding of the Bible finally got through to me. I love u babe and i pray you are looking down at me now and see that I have finally excepted Jesus in my heart as he was ment to and I am away from that cult.....
LuLu4YouYou one more link i think everyone should see
excepted Jesus?
Well, thanks for the heads up!
sorry i ment accepted Jesus lol sorry i spelled it wrong.
My point was that my wife tried so hard to get me to realize the real TRUTH and I always kinda just acted like I believed what she and others were telling me. but now I truely accept that my beliefs were not correct. And I wish she was here now to watch me grow spiritually. As far as this thread goes it was about putting some info I read out there for others who may be Like me searching for the real truth about the Bible, God, Etc...
Lulu4 .... sorry.
You are on the right track now ... so with the rest of us
make the most of it!
Thank You Clarity :)
Aw Lu. Out of curiousity, was she ever in the organization?