When you left the JW's, did you remain a Christian? The reason I ask, is that when I left the Witnesses I explored all kinds of concept and religions and even attended a few churches. I soon found that I was attracted to New Age and Pagan believes. I no longer even feel Christ walked the earth, and I got rid of all of my Bibles except for the King James version that my Non-JW grandmother gave me. When I see Bible quotes, I never read them, as I think the Bible can be twisted to mean anything. In fact, I even know a few scriptures that will make you believe in aliens. I have met many Pagan Ex-Witnesses online and found that they all seem very at peace. I think for the most part this comes from less conflict in our former beliefs. Some times when I mention this online, I have been accused of being evil. I find that concept of rebuttal interesting, but not productive.
When you left the JW's, did you remain a Christian
by kenpodragon 24 Replies latest jw friends
Will Power
Hello kenpod
by pagan, do you mean you worship different god & goddesses for different things? Rain god, sun god, earth goddess, etc.Or do you mean you do not worship any god? That is something else.
Lets see, first I became a member of the 16 and under blotto stoners, then I started to get into Satanism, under my older sisters influence, when this bored me I turned to Wiccan, the complete opposite and found many years of pleasure divining with tarot, crystal ball gazing, oracles, astrology, spell binding, ouji boards and participating in rituals. Then I woke up after the seance when I was told my gran'd die in 2 months and she did - but it took me several years to get out of the stupor!
I'm a christian through and through now....I have always bin one underneath. The jw's have always nagged away at the back of my mind and I am convinced that they are the right religion! This has been after many years of soul searching and admitting my mistakes. That has been very hard to do, but is so rewarding in the long run!
You've been a BAD boy, go to MY room
Although I have friends who are Wiccan and enjoy their company, I am not a Wiccan. I do not worship any god or goddess. I consider god to not be a individual, but rather the energy of life that exist in all and between all. I do not title myself, but I do study and accept a lot of the thoughts from Huna and the Silva Ultramind. I do use Tarot, but I consider Ouji Boards to be a pour example of the spirit contact as it often attract lower energies. I use meditation on a daily basis and am very much into using the energies of the universe in my life; chi, ki and vril.
I do have Christian friends and I have a great time talking to them. I feel all religion, no matter how you title it taps into the same source and that is why all religions have had divine moments and clarity. I believe there is some good in all religions, as long as they really believe what they say, and actually love and not hate. Many cults, of off shots of the major religions have lost this and only teach hate when they say they are only right and all others are wrong.
by pagan, do you mean you worship different god & goddesses for different things? Rain god, sun god, earth goddess, etc. Or do you mean you do not worship any god? That is something else.
Pagan, as defined by the JW's ... anything that is not a Christian concept. My believes are very much into eastern philosophy! I don't title myself though, as I am anti-organized religion and hate titles.
The generally accepted definition of 'pagan' is any religion not Judeo-Christian. I understand Muslims are no longer considered 'pagan' anymore, however.
Of course, the fact that almost 100% of first-world countries are founded on Judeo-Christian principles might have *something* to do with that definition. [8>]
I am pagan, although I have not found a specific path for myself yet. I'm with you kenpo - the more research I do, the more obvious it becomes exactly how fictitious Christianity is. Did you read 'The Jesus Mysteries'? Amazing how much of Jesus life & ministry is an exact copy (and I mean *exact* copy) of earlier pagan beliefs.
What do I believe now? I see divinity in every living thing, and worship the balance and harmony of life. Still working on this, I've only been 'out' for a year or so now, and have a lot of searching to do. Actually talking with other pagans (witches, mostly) and reading up on non-Christian faiths has shown some marvelous things that seem to make sense, and don't conflict with what science has found to be true. No organization that could be corrupted, either.
A fanatic is one who, upon losing sight of his goals, redoubles his efforts.
--George Santayana -
I'm a christian through and through now....I have always bin one underneath. The jw's have always nagged away at the back of my mind and I am convinced that they are the right religion!
No wonder you used the exclamation mark, Violet! Are you serious or were perhaps just kidding? If you're serious, have you re-associated? Or you're just an onlooker who believes they have the truth? I'm curious.
BTW you say you've always been a Christian through and through. I guess this raises the recent debate over whether JWs are Christians, doesn't it?
Ozzie"If our hopes for peace are placed in the hands of imperfect people, they are bound to evaporate."
- Ron Hutchcraft Surviving the Storms of Stress -
I'm still a Christian. It's actually because I sought a personal relationship with God that lead me away from the JW teachings, because their teachings involve placing a group of men as our Mediator, not Christ. I could see from the Bible that many of the JWs teachings just weren't right. So I left the JWs because you can't have a real relationship with God if you are following the teachings of the WTS.
I haven't really gone into Eastern religions or philosophy, simply because I'm not interested right now. I may feel different later on, but that's ok.
The beauty of being free of the Borg means there are no absolute answers anymore, nor is there a time limit in finding those answers.
Hi Kenpo,
Well, when I left and what I am now are very different. Unlike many I didn't leave because I found out about some error in chronology or certain doctrinal matters, it was more on a personal level, a gut feeling if you will. However, having said that I should note that I am not interested in something because I happen to like it. And as you said, it's not about titles or labels and I feel the same way. It seems to me a person who needs to have a religious label to size up how spiritual or how kind and friendly someone is just has no sense.
To me it isn't even relevant whether you're religious or not. If some stranger does a kind deed toward you, are you going to go out of your way to find out whether they are religious in any way, what exactly they believe and so on? Does any of that change the fact that they were being kind just for it's own sake? Yet we have to get into these "intellectual" debates as if all that matters so much. I wouldn't say an individuals behavior represents the religion which he or she may subscribe to, but that's something that is actually real. On the other hand, all the concepts you read about, religious or not, is only theory. Now I think that's important too, but most people don't understand it or don't want to talk about it, so that's fine. Ideally the two would complement each other, but realistically I think we tend to be on first base or need to get there first. I guess it's like SaintSatan's quote: He that doesn't live his faith doesn't have any. And again it realy isn't even about faith, but for all the scholarly research and all the intelligence a given person may have, what good is it if they don't even have a clue about being a decent human being to start with? Maybe most of the world just needs to get their heads out of their asses and start worrying about that rather than taking sides. I'm this, I'm that, nah nah nah.. How special.
I wish I could be a pagan or a wiccan.
It's far more glamourous and interesting than being an atheist.
However, I am more than a little sceptical of anything lacking hard proof.
Wonderful, well-intentioned people who have found a way that helps them make sense of life, whether that's the local church or Wiccan ceremonies, are FINE, but I csan't believe what they believe on what is essentially their say-so.