WOW, just WOW!!! Mrs. Bibiyan Called JWs a CULT!!!

by Yan Bibiyan 22 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Yan Bibiyan
    Yan Bibiyan

    Folks, I am beside myself!

    Mrs. called the JWs a CULT! I, for certain, couldn’t believe my ears at first.

    Quick background info first: Mrs. is a second generation successfully faded JW. I am not, never have been (although I “studied” at one point few years ago). For now I am the UBM.

    Mrs’ fade was more a matter of convenience – she hates getting all dressed up and ready and be there at certain hour with 2 kids in tow. She used my discontinuation of the “study” couple of years ago to stop going as well and has since been pretty much silent about it (kinda out of sight, out of mind), although if JW subjects came up and I expressed doubts, her apologetics programming kicked in and I just let it go…

    On Saturday we were out late (went gambling ) and on the way back home had to swing by a 24 Hr store to pick up an item. So we drive by the Hall we used to attend and out of nowhere Mrs’ says:

    “I can’t believe these poor people still go to meetings every week, and waste their time in field service, and all that for what? The JWs have been saying ‘The End is Near’ for years….It is amazing how cults have such a grip on people”.

    I barely held on to the steering wheel.

    Come again, who has grip on people? CULTS?!

    I wanted to jump and scream and say thank you whatever made her finally think….

    Instead, I only said: “Yes, I have read something about a model describing how cults entrap people called BITE by someone Hassan, or something. Check it out when you feel like it.”

    I can see Mrs. pretty much a non JW at this point, just hope that she will read about the BITE model to eliminate any residual programming.

    I also realize it is probably difficult for her with deceased parents and a dear grandmother, all strict JWs, to accept that she will not be seeing them again on paradise earth… I realize that and want to applaud her for finally thinking rationally. Only thing is I can’t ask or push for now. Will let her come to terms with it on her own timetable.

    I am writing this in hope to give encouragement to people with a spouse or loved one still in: Don’t give up! I never thought in a million years that I will hear the word CULT out of my dear wife’s mouth. Stick by them, show them love and don’t push.

    Thanks for letting me express my joy here, as it is not the time yet to share it with Mrs.

    Needless to say, I am having a great day!


    Nice, I am happy for you!

  • 00DAD

    good for you and her too!

  • cedars

    That's great news Yan Bibiyan - congratulations! I too know the joys of seeing my wife wake up. Don't take it for granted by any means. It doesn't happen like this for every couple.

    Well done mate!


  • Gayle

    wow,,that she could express that "cult" word about JWs, shows she is done with it. But right, hopefully she will still read Hassan's book would be great! Congratulations and so many best wishes!

  • jgnat

    The second time I've done the happy dance this week!

  • cofty

    Happy days!

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    I envy u

  • TheListener

    That is really fantastic news! It definitely gives me hope that one day my wife will one day wake up as well. It would be nice not to be the scapegoat for every issue in her life and family. You know it's the old "if you hadn't left the truth....[enter current situation here]"


  • mamochan13

    Amazing and wonderful.


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