Thanks for the tips, Still thinking! I think I will try it again the way you said. I have the perfect fabric to do them for my bedroom, and I already have a couple rolls of iron on tape, and the rods and rings will be easy to get. They will look awesome if they turn out! Yay, another project-lol
Mrs. Jones, Glad you are finding the machines you want! I'll let you know about any neat or unusual ones I see.
Those flags are awesome, FHN!!! Wow, there's a lot of them. I bet it took a while to cut and sew all of those. Even with several people it would be a lot of work! They are all so nice that I can't decide which ones are my favorites, although the Orange and Gold ones and the Fleur de Lis really catch my eye(s)! Thanks for the pictures, you must be very proud! P.S. You are a very good photographer.
Hello Clarity! Isn't it crazy that people would pay so much for a pair of jeans? A person could buy a very nice used car for that much money! You can't drive a pair of jeans, the butt on them would get worn out-lol Yes, you can still get the bullet bobbins, I just saw them on Ebay the other day. You gotta be careful with the bobbin holder though while loading or unloading it in the machine. I had my foot on the treadle one time while I was loading mine, and just about had a big hole punched through one of my fingers when my foot slipped on the pedal! Maybe that's why they changed them to round so that they wouldn't be so bullet like and pointy sharp.
Thanks for the comments and pictures everyone!!!