Have you ACTUALLY seen any Bible prophecies fulfilled in your life/lifetime?

by punkofnice 77 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • OnTheWayOut
    This is a beast, C... that speaks like a dragon. Not a dragon that speaks like a dragon. So neither the vision nor it's fulfillment is about dragons.

    There's enough numbers and vague statements in the accepted books of the Bible to make it say that ....

    Do you see what I meant, now?

  • BluesBrother

    Matt 24 :11

    "And many false prophets will arise and mislead many; "

    Is that fulfilled by the WTS????

  • AGuest

    The one prophecy that is difficult to disprove is about Christ's invisible return...

    Well, I have to agree that the WTBTS false teaching as to 1914 is indeed false, dear CA (peace to you!). It can be disproven, however, because my Lord did return, by means of an invisible presence, but long, long before 1914.

    When did he return? We can prove that 1914 is an erroneous date. So if He didn't return then, WHEN did he return? It all falls apart. Besides the fact that the Bible SPECIFICALLY says that His return will not be invisible, and that every eye will see Him...

    Unfortunately, that's not accurate, dear one. My Lord's return by means of an invisible presence ("Look! I am WITH you all the days...!") was manifest... and so proven... (and that part of the prophecy fulfilled) with the outpouring of holy spirit at Pentecost 30 CE. However, he also stated that he would return literally, and gather his chosen ones to receive them home to himself in his Father's house. THAT event has not yet occurred. It will be proven when (1) the trumpet sounds (which everyone will hear, even some who are dead); to announce (2) his return, at which time every eye will see him, as he truly (plainly) is; resulting in (3) the resurrection (to spirit bodies) of those who belonged to him but have died (the first resurrection), at the same time as (4) those who belong to him and have not died are changed (to spirit bodies).

    Again, peace to you!

    YOUR servant and a slave of Christ,


  • Balaamsass

    Watchtower having a "FORM" of Godly devotion, but proving false to it's power. Puffed up with pride. No natural affection. Lovers of money.

    Bethelites pointing the "shoot" to heaven.

  • JeffT

    Dang, bluesbrother beat me to it!

  • AGuest
    Do you see what I meant, now?

    I don't, Jer. The vision isn't about a dragon at all, contrary to what C wants [others] to believe. I DO see, though, how others who try to point out the vagueness, etc., of certain accounts in the Bible tend to use their own rhetoric to lend to that perception of vagueness. Honestly saying that they do this, however, and pointing out the underlying hypocrisy that causes it is... well... not well-regarded by those who do it. Is it?

    A slave of Christ,


  • sir82
    Adding from 536BCE

    What significant thing happened in 536 BCE? Why use that as a starting point?

  • Honeybucket

    Im getting really mad, everytime I type up this comment I keep deleting it on accident, right when I get to the end. I hate ACER computers, I want to throw this effing computer in the trash.

    So... This is a short version of what the talk was on sunday. the brother who lived through 1975 gave it, and not sure if it was old age but he appeared uncomfortable giving this talk. Changing the scriptures last minute, stumbling over words. Picking and choosing from the outlines Im sure in order to not say that those who prophesy should be put to death if their predictions dont come true. This scripture was NEVER mentioned. these notes are a gist of what was said coupled with my own thoughts and words

    Isiah 46:8-10- no idea what this is trying to convery- im guessing its out of context

    Romans 15:4- this refers to ancient times, not modern proph- even though the wts uses this for themselves

    matt17:2 face shone like the sun and garments became briliantly white... bathing day?

    2 peter1:17- jesus was prophesied about- this proves the bible is correct in proph

    prophecies arent like a fortune cookie.- their qoute

    So where can we find genuine prophecy? It is not for men to make prophesys, but it is through gods will that they are made and then made to happen.

    We need to observe prophecys and those that havent been fulfilled yet. Something somewhere at sometime will happen and its right around the corner.

    When Peace and Security will be claimed is another prophecy that is happening before our very eyes. Look at the UN's website to confirm this, its one of their 5 headings and it goes to show that this is a phoph. and it is babylon the great. The UN has gone in and out, first it was the league of nations but noww it is the united nations. Only JW's are allowed to change their name and concepts, dontcha know.

    ez 38:14

    The UN exists ONLY to destory Jehovahs witnesses, it is satans puppet and jw's will SOON be killed by the UN because the bible says so. But an angel (jesus) will come with the keyes to the abyss rev 20: 1-3

    Another to be fulfilled proph is that resources are being exhausted (but not by witnesses of course) The resources are being "perverted" and god will destroy them.

    Rev 21:3-4 scripture that supports claim to no heavenly hope

    john 5:28-29- THOSE in memorial tomb will come out and have life

    1 cor 15:24-28 bring to nothing all authority governments and power

    rev 20:7-8 1000 years is ended satan will be let lose to roam he will mislead the nations


  • Honeybucket

    governing body= closest thing you get to a politican, no education needed, amen

    I remember when everyone was talking about how 9/11 was the last prophecy made and there probably wouldnt be more then 5-10 years left before the big A.

  • cofty

    Beasts - dragons, its all the same BS

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