Hey El Guapo,
I am also a fairly new poster. Welcome to the board.
Just a couple thoughts since I was an MS for about as long, and we are around the same age.
1) Not feeling the "love" is kind of tricky as a reason for leaving. The personal experience motive can be hard to make universal. I for example, was in a very loving a kind congregation at one point with some of the best, brightest, and most humble elders you could ever know! I have a friend who is a CO and he is one of the greatest guys I've ever met. Unfortunately, none of that matters, because there are douchbags too. We have the same ratios everyone else does in this regard. If I left because the hall I was in was unloving, would it make sense to go back if the hall I moved to was? It has to be about more than they way you are treated and your own perceptions. Just something to think about.
2) If you would like to, wait until the CO comes around and tell him directly, that your health does not allow you to continue, and your attempting to do it all, is getting you down and causeing you "mental anguish". These are hot button words that they don't want to mess with. They will grant you a leave immediately. You can start with the elders too if you like. You seem to be a little intimidated by them perhaps? That is normal, but it will pass. You are ahuman being, and serve because you want to. If you don't want to, it really doesn't matter to anyone but you. offering them any explanation at all is already doing more than is expected in any parallel scenario.
3) I personally don't like to throw around the cult word, but at best this is a high control group. You have to be aware of the control, why its there, and think about how you would handle similar situations in life if they were not related to your religion. Even your job understands or at least excepts your limitations. As far as being an elder, does it really matter? Do you really WANT to be an elder? I realize it about being recognized and it is only natural as humans and as men to want to "make progress" wether its in a career or moving up the congregational ladder.......but is it really what you want?