Thanks for all your comments.
I know if the Watchtower Society folded up that many Witnesses would move on to other religions, or stay lost in some quasi-religion of there own; but I was thinking of those of us who have left already, or who are stuck half-way out the door with friends & family still in.
It just seems that it is impossible to find a meaning for the Watchtower experience we have had- the only members of the GB who could provide an explanation have been dead for many years, and the others- elders, parents & other relatives- are no longer in the religion for the same reasons that they originally joined.
I just imagine, in a hundred years time when the Watchtower finally goes bankrupt, and the last member of the GB- a doddery old white guy- is escorted off Watchtower premises by the sheriff; and he will be asked: “What happened? Where is Jehovah? How can Armageddon happen now?” and he will say: “Don’t ask me- I only work here…”
Maybe there can never be closure- just a point in our lives when we turn and start walking in the other direction…