who is jonny the bethalite and is six screens sane?

by unstopableravens 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • unstopableravens

    just wondering, i dont know much about either, i just seen a video youtube

  • Broken Promises
    Broken Promises

    I suggest doing a search of the terms "johnny the bethelite" and "six screens" in the search feature of this board to answer your question.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    Johnny the bethelite was a fraud that was a regular guest on Rick Fearon's call in conferance call on sixscreensofthewatchtower.com. He was proven to be a fraud, and not actually a bethelite.

    Sixscreensofthewatchtower.com is a sensationalist site that damages much of what we are trying to do here. It makes untrue claims, makes connections that don't exist, and while it has SOME worthwhile information, it is exactly the sort of site that a JW will look at and think, "The WT was right about staying away from apostate sites." Rick Fearon single handedly has damaged much of "our" credibility. If you doubt what I'm saying, go over to six screens and listen to one of the conference calls. Many of the callers seem to be a bit...mentally challenged. Many others seem to be conspiracy theorists. Others are just completely fooled by some of the garbage that is talked about on that call.

    I'm sure Rick is a great guy, but he needs to filter his show a bit better. He needs to monitor his guests closer, and have some sort of structure for the calls. Some of them run 4 or 5 hours. Or at least they used to when I listened to them years ago.

  • Honesty
    Rick Fearon single handedly has damaged much of "our" credibility.

    Unfortunately true.

  • unstopableravens

    some dude of youtube was ranting about the wt is going to change major things and will go into revolt. strange

  • moshe

    I had doubts about one of Rick's guests, who claimed to be a messianic Jewish minister at a church- the name of the guest and the two places he claimed to have lived long term, failed to check out with the zabasearch website. Rick told me he didn't have a phone number for him either -- and the email address he provided didn't respond. No church could be located-- It was all a setup, IMO, to provide a couple hours of entertainment and boost his website's traffic.

  • james_woods

    If everyone recalls, Fearon was barred from this site for (among other things) blatant homophobic comments - including using homophobic terms for anyone here who challenged his posts. Many of the posts strained credulity beyond that of a 7-year old kid.

    It seems to me a great shame that a number of people who are respected in ex-JW circles seem to have been steered into his conference calls - a recent example was the Conti case.

    Some have expressed that they did it purely for publicity - that "any publicity is good publicity".

    I disagree with that strongly - this is to me a case of publicity which does more harm than good to credibility.

  • unstopableravens

    why? now that i think about, i had a weird thing happen someone send a letter to my wife mom that was all about apostate stuff a few years ago, and wifey thought i had something go do with it. it had 6 screens website on the letter. weird i really had nothing to do with it. it was very weird and the letter was form arizona no return address

  • wha happened?
    wha happened?

    Unfortunately, the WT has and continues to attract some of the strangest personalities on this planet. Some stay in, and when others like Rick leave the organization, and basically start their own brand of the WT.

  • james_woods
    Unfortunately, the WT has and continues to attract some of the strangest personalities on this planet. Some stay in, and when others like Rick leave the organization, and basically start their own brand of the WT.

    Yes, I forgot about that. He claims to have created his own church - a clear indication of delusion.


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