Having It Both Ways

by Perry 16 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Thanks Perry. MARKED!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Indian Larry
    Indian Larry

    Excellent post Perry, thank you for that. I have saved it as a document on the off chance I can one day get my wife to see the "light"

  • glenster

    The GB can read research material to (mis)use for their articles meant to
    show the best evidence and reasoning supports their distinctive policies/rela-
    tively distinctive policies distinctively taught. Followers shouldn't--it's
    apostate material (and they'll realize how it's been misused).

    This quite naturally seques into:

    Followers who persist in disagreeing with any GB distinctions are to be

  • Perry

    20. If someone lies about something to a JW, they are a subject to the lake of fire for "liking and carrying on a lie". When a JW lies about his real beliefs to someone who is "not entitled to know", he is waging spiritual warefare and will be rewarded for his faithfulness.

    21. The WT claims true Christianity was corrupted and abandoned by the time Constatine ruled Rome and the truth wasn't restored until some 1500 years later by Brother Russel and his faithful band of bible students. However, when defending the need for their organization for man's salvation, they state that Jehovah has always had an organization he worked through.

  • Indian Larry
  • twice shy
    twice shy

    Perry you have great insight and I truly enjoyed your summation of the Society.

    The watchtower society teaches you to live by their double standards

  • Muddy Waters
    Muddy Waters

    Excellent, ty. Marking.

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