"Shepherd" book published online by National Broadcasting Agency in Norway!
by Boudica 22 Replies latest watchtower scandals
Wow, that won't be up long. Grab it while you can boys and girls!
People who are serving as elders or MS can loose their position if they promote higher education? I didn't know that. Perhaps because I never came across anyone who did promote it, but now I know is because they are scared of loosing their "privileges". Just Wow!
Considering how many dubs are ex catholics in my home country is practically 99% of converted dubs, and knowing how much the catholic church in past centuries has kept people ineducated so they could control them...I am so SHOCKED that people are not able to see the same type behaviour done by the WTS. I feel sick.
Yan Bibiyan
I may have to eat my words, but DMCA (which the WT has used before to squash distribution of their super secret book) is strictly a US law...Not sure how they can just call up someone in Norway and deman the file to be taken down.
What is the "or else" in this case?
I see this file up there for a while...
ADD: Yeah, and my post 1111 just adds to the majic
It's still there. Just noticed, on the copyright page (p. 2 of the pdf) it says:
This publication is not for sale. It is provided as part of a worldwide Bible educational work supported by voluntary donations.
So posting it on the internet is just part of that "worldwide Bible educational work," no! And don't you just appreciate how it's being made available for free in keeping with the spirit of the WTBTS's stated intentions?
bats in the belfry
Scandinavian JWs (Denmark-Norway-Sweden-Finland) are to the Governing Body of
Brooklyn what the North American diocese is to the Pope - renegades in thought and
mind. When northern Europeans discuss doctrine they think most brethren from the
US/Canada have a stick up their butt.
I can report that JW is still top story on www.nrk.no (the leading, state funded, Norwegian news agency). It has been for three days now, rather massive coverage with new topics and interviews presented regularly. Yesterday they had an interview with Candace Conti and William Bowen (Silentlambs). Several politicians, lawyers and other professionals have been asked to comment on the practice of JW.
Today the scope has been widened to stories about judicial hearings of young girls, including intimidating interrogation about their sexual behavior.
And the TV channel NRK2 showed a very good swedish documentary yesterday, about Erik, a homosexual, recently disfellowshipped, trying to learn how to celebrate christmas (available online from www.nrk.no, but I guess you need to understand some scandinavian language to benefit from it). Erik was such a nice and sympathetic person, not bitter, and the program was rather humoristic. But that made the fact that he was shunned by his parents, even more tragic.
Also, the Shepherd-book (in english) is still available in pdf, see link in my first post. I am a bit surprised that the WTBTS has not been able to get it removed, but for those of you who would like easy access to a copy, you still have the chance.
I almost feel a sorry for my JW-family and friends in Norway now, but still very happy for these stories to be exposed. It might bring some witnesses out of their comfort zone and give them a chance to wake up?
I feel this shared mixed sentiments. Remember very vividly how it was when JWs was exposed in the early 90s... Remember coming into the airplane when returning from our honeymoon and all the frontpages of the newspapers were filled with JW related issues and exposed throught several pages...
Dont worry brothers, its satan testing us with his faux news bites.