Subliminal demonic images in Literature

by Newly Enlightened 17 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Newly Enlightened
    Newly Enlightened

    I know that this was covered in 1993, but with newer technology and lots more pictures to deal with....Go check out this website

    If no one wants to believe these as real then check it out in our own literature. Revelation book pg 52 The angel to the left of Jesus has a DEMON hand!

    VERY disturbing!

  • cantleave

    As soon as someone puts a mirror to a picture to find a subliminal image my BS sensors ring!

    Some of it is just crap artwork.......

    The demon hand in the revelation book is creepy and the zuess in the dress is pretty convincing, but I think it is individual artists messin' with ya!

    I would need a hell of a lot of convincing that this comes from the top.

  • cofty

    There are a myriad lines of evidence that demonstrate the duplicity of the Watchtower - there is no need to manipulate pictures to look for hidden patterns.

  • lohengren

    Some of these are an incredible reach

  • mrsjones5

    Look at anything long enough and it will begin to look creepy.

  • Christ Alone
    Christ Alone

    I have to post on all the subliminal images posts. It's merely pareidolia. It's the same phenomenon that occurs in ink blot tests, seeing objects in the cloud, or seeing Jesus face in a piece of burnt toast. Do the mirror image thing on any piece if artwork and you will find evil faces everywhere. Same phenomenon as seeing images in the folds of clothes. Yet people keep falling for this conspiracy theory.

  • HintOfLime

    I wanna kill... everyone now.

    Satan is my friend. Satan is my pal.

    The WT does plenty of REAL despicable things without looking for imaginary offenses.

    The WT publishes books filled with imaginary threats and superstitions born of selfish old men who don't have the mental capacity to make any stimulating argument, not even bible-based anymore.

    Look - their house... it is empty. Watch as they backpedal and rewrite their own history. Look - they are fools. They are bewildered. They are perplexed. "Overlapping Generations." They are perplexed and without any answers at all.

    - Lime

  • dazed but not confused
    dazed but not confused

    Someone has LOTS of time on their hands.

  • compound complex
  • Smehcoons

    Is this a joke. My eyes are sore from straining to try and make out what the writer was trying to show. Nonsense.

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