I can't wait for another Y2K-style disappointment for all those who sold out for December 21, 2012. At least with Y2K, you had scattered and isolated account disruptions, usually little more than making extra work for IT's who had to adjust their programs. You risked getting billed for 100 years' worth of late fees and interests, you risked having glitches wiping out your bank accounts (where the banks could use Y2K as their excuse and then not be able to retrieve information because they are scumbags). But not the widespread problems that many were expecting.
With December 21, 2012, I am not even expecting that. Hopefully the real scumbags behind the problems we are facing will be exposed--all three of the major religions we are familiar with, the banks trying to enslave the world, Goldman Sack and JP Morgue, the Fed rendering the US Toilet Paper Dollar worthless, Monsanto, and similar scumbags who are ruining the world. Aside that, I am expecting nothing. No widespread blackouts, no major impacts of large planets or stars on the earth, no worldwide earthquakes, no polar shifts, no nothing. It will be about as disruptive for the earth as it would be if you were in a plane crossing the equator. Unless you know what to look for and where it is, you won't even know it.
However, now might be a good time to review your emergency plans, particularly regarding an energy crisis. You could run into a storm blackout in February or March. We might do the stupid thing and help Israel, only to have Iran cut off the Strait of Hormuz or Saudi Arabia give us another energy crisis in return. We are in for hyperinflation, thanks to the Fed and Osama Obama (Scumney Romney wouldn't have been any better). We are in for cuts in work hours because of Osama ObamaCare, taxes to return to higher levels, a fake energy crisis from the EPA, and an infrastructure that is prone to failures from regular events (we are in a solar maximum until into 2013, after all). I have been planning for long-term rolling blackouts, and I have the ability to charge some 50 batteries in short order (such as for Sandy). You want to think beyond December 21, though, since the world isn't going to end and neither are your debts.