Yer welcome, guys!!
What was it about Bethel that woke you up?
by cognisonance 95 Replies latest jw friends
You just stop and think one day: The Governing Body are a FAITHFUL and discreet slave. They have sort of Power of Attorney for Jehovah.
If they are Faithful, why do they write checks that bounce using Jehovah's checking account? Obviously He has given them power of Attorney to use his bank account. But, why do his checks keep bouncing?
Using the above analogy; what I want to know is this: from the Governing Body's POINT OF VIEW, why is there no money in the account? Why does Jehovah allow the governing body to publish prophecy that is wrong? Is Jehovah flat broke? Or, are they counterfeiters?
How do THEY, the Governing Body, explain it?
Are they forging his signature?
They have written cheques against a promised cheque that New System Inc. says is in the mail. They should wait for the cheque to arrive and cashed before they write any more cheques against it, but they never learn.
For example, they have ceased attempting to guess when God is going to destroy all non-JW's at Armaggedon by means of chronology, having got *that* wrong far too often for comfort, but have now linked the dwindling number of the bona-fide 'remnant' left on earth with the imminence of the end of the Wicked Old System. Same cheques, different balance.
Maybe they haven't really written a bad check. Its more like advertising for a bad check. Kind of like Publishers Clearinghouse. People fill out the form and subscribe to magazines because they WANT the check desparately. Even though they know nobody ever REALLY gets the check.
Perhaps they'd say: "The money is there--but, it's invisible--Just like Jesus!
Someone else may have already linked these threads, but...
I found them to be very revealing, since I never went to Bethel.
Zid - those may be some of the most important threads ever written here.
How much I miss old double-owe-six.
Zid- I love Daves links. Any more?
The description of Fredy Franz was perfect.
This is a great thread. I just want to chime in and concur with everything that has been said. I had a very close relative who was a "heavy" at Brooklyn. He was elderly but when young sisters would come around on tour, he would make a big deal about hugging them and kissing their cheeks, etc. Everyone chuckled and thought it was "cute" but it made me embarassed. Not only that, but he would do it in front of his wife!
My husband was at Bethel b/f we married for several years. His overseer was the worst sociopathic asshole I've ever encountered (and that's saying something). The way he treated my husband was despicable--even by "worldly" standards, and yet he remained in perfectly good standing. He would go out of his way to berate my husband until he was literally crying (this was b/f I came along and my husband was a tender-footed twenty year old with a naive, well-meaning heart) and would not leave him alone until he made sure he was in tears. He would also do the same thing to my husband's older sister who worked in the same department--verbally abuse her until she was sobbing, then leave.
When we got engaged, we applied to remain at Brooklyn as a couple. My husband was given an excellent report by his table head, and his home overseer but his work overseer said terrible things about him. Now, I'm not naive--it may be that some of those things were true regarding minor shortfalls. But he was regularly pulled onto jobs that had a short deadline because he was the only one who could get things done when the crunch was on. Because of his overseer's spiteful report, we could not come in to Bethel after our marriage and my husband was absolutely crushed.
Of course, in retrospect, it was the best thing that could have happened!! Ironically, a few years later, his overseer's experience was in one of the mags as a model of faith!!!! We both could NOT BELIEVE IT. I was still active and "unawakened" at the time, and even then, it gave me pause to think that holy spirit had directed this psycho's life story be printed as spiritual food??? I realize now that was the first stirrings of my own epiphany regarding this nutty religion.
Everything that has been said regarding absolute lack of recourse to underlings with grievances and the iron-fisted dictatorial rule-bound mentality is true--and more!!