I believe I posted on this before. But,I was recently thinking back when I was still regularly going to meetings. And how sometimes,just the thought of having to start to get ready to go,sent me in a panic. I would get nervous and shaky,start crying.
Sometimes,when I made it to the meetings,I would just want to cry and not know the reason. I would go back to the ladies room,and I wouldn't be the only one in there crying.
Since,I no longer go,this no longer happens. Sure,there are things that come up that upset me,but no more anxiety attacks.
I'm wondering if my physical symptoms was my mind,trying to tell me something? It only happened at the meetings or sometimes out in service. It could be stressful just trying to go.
It was hard happening as a teen especially,because my mother didn't understand and got upset with me,which made it worse. It is such a relief not having to deal with this anymore. All those years wasted.