check out the first study article in the march 15th study edition. it seems they are now stating that if you allow health problems to cause you to miss meetings or become inactive then you are wicked because you refuse to "get up" from being stumbled. also they seem to basicly be saying that any type of "injustice" you receive at the kingdom hall is just "perceived".
back in the mid 90's we treated sick inactive ones kindly and visited them and helped them with meals, etc. but it aint like that anymore. there are several elderly sisters that i used to help and visit who died about 5 years ago, im almost relieved for them as i cannot imagine how they would feel reading this after so many years of faithful service. JW's were never a normal religion, im not pretending it was, but what it is now is nothing like it was 10-15 years ago. back then yes it was a high control group, but at least in my hall there was love shown to the sick and elderly. but now in 2012 its a full blown distructive cult that casts aside and destroys anyone who is not running the tread mill at full force no matter what their cirumstances, cancer, missing limbs, blind, deaf, doesnt matter, you will run with the rest of them or be left behind. what an awful disgusting religion.