So, if the current GB is this "faithful and discreet slave" and they place greater emphasis on 1919 now, are they saying that only a few anointed christians were selected in the 1st century, followed by nearly 2000 years of no selections and starting around 1914-1919, the selection of the rest of the 144,000 resumed?
If so, this is an easy explanation for the increase in numbers of partakers since 2008. Have they gone right out and said this officially or have they only alluded to it up to now?
Also, the original understanding was this "shut door" policy of 1935. I never understood how they arrived at that year. Was 1935 based on scripture or did Rutherford/Knorr just pull that out of their asses? I have a feeling that additional "noo lite" will come out in 2013 that officially redacts the 1935 teaching.
Or has this already happened? Have I missed something?