Yes,that is a strange question. But,I always felt like the odd one out. And as a Witness,I felt like I had some secret from all the "worldlies" about the big secrets of the universe.
Now,that I have come out of it,I find I know nothing of the universe,not even what I believe. Most of the time,I put all these questions in the back of my mind,and am content to do so,but still feel out of place in my own life.
And I just don't know how to be like everyone else. It can be fun being a bit eccentric,but somedays,I just want to be like everyone else,so-called normal.
Now,I'm not always thinking like this,but when I come on here,I still get pangs of regret of wasting my life. I grew up in this religion,and was forced into it. I did go through a spiritual time where I was really into it. But,thinking back,I was mainly threatened and guilted into it all. And stayed way too long,worrying about what other Witnesses thought of me. And,now,no one even calls,or bothers to write,and I worried about what they thought.
Oh,well,it's just the mood I'm in tonight.