For what ever reason I have been contacted by a number of JW's as to why I do not attend the meetings etc. In the past I have blown it off by saying I am super busy, tired, sick etc. but not now. I had the opportunity just last week when I ran into an elder and his wife at the grocery store to respond to their comment.
"Oh we have missed you at the meetings" "Is everything alright" Would you please consider coming back???"
My response was No!!!!!! I will consider coming back when the WTBTS does not provide safe haven for child abuser and wife beaters.
"What do you mean"" they said shocked and wide eyed.
My long as there is the 2 witness rule in such crimes I can't see that Jehovah's spirit is upon an organization that harbors criminals.
Lips slam shut and they turned on their heels and left.
I was later contacted by yet another 2 elders who stopped by for a visit and posed the same questions. Asking further did they know of any criminal that would abuse a child or spouse that had requested 2 witnesses to their crime.
Of course the answer was NO.. I simple concluded the conversation by saying "Exactly my point"
By using their rules and procedures how could you be wrong?? I would love to hear your thoughts..