Not going to go the "Where is/why didn't God...?" direction, either (peace to you all!). Not the time for it, just now, IMHO (although dear Sab's comments were beautifully written). While some outside this board might also be "cursing" God, it seems that most are doing the RIGHT thing... and looking to the young man responsible for this heinous tragedy and pointing their "why's" in that direction. It is to that I wish to comment.
I've had the news on all morning (not much else is on, actually): there are 26-28 dead (27, including the shooter, 18 children, and 6-8 others, depending on who's reporting... including the shooter's mother... at one scene, and another adult at another scene (home)). They are not yet certain whether there was one shooter or two (a brother could have been involved). The mother was a teacher at the school (no word yet as to the other adult at the home).
As a parent... and the friend of parents... I have often noticed that some parents are unable to find an adequate "balance" between work and home. Given that so many children were also killed (again, 18 - who couldn't possibly have done anything to this young man to warrant him taking their lives... and "telling him to 'go up baldhead'" doesn't count, so keep your comments, there) is it possible that this young man, who was obviously unstable and suffering from SOME kind of mental and/or emotional instability and and perhaps even anguish, perceive these children as a threat to his relationship with his mother... something she might have been paying more attention to/giving more of her time and consideration to... than him? Maybe she even compared him to them... in a, perhaps unknowingly/unkindly, way... from time to time?
[Okay, the report just changed: 20 children, 6 adults. Whatever: too many of either.]
Anyway, I ask as I do because I think many (most) of us would actually be shocked... if not appalled... if we truly knew the relationships between our friends, family members, co-workers, neighbors, etc.,... and their children. Most of these parents have NO idea (or concern) that their relationships are as bad as they are... or how their words, actions, and/or inattention can effect their children. Granted, this young man was 24, but that's not that far from childhood, is it?
NOBODY thinks THEIR kid is capable of doing something like this. Until they do.
Please, if you have a poor, antagonistic, indifferent, neglectful, tyrannical, guilt-ridden, absent, oppressive, unnurturing, unkind, unloving. overbearing, ridiculing, "you'll never be/measure up"... "you get on my nerves,"... "I hate you"... "I can't wait until you..." or "Here, have whatever you want, but just leave ME alone" kind of relationship with your child... stop. And think. If you are abusing your child... sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally, psychologically... or spiritually... STOP. And THINK. If you THINK your child is having problems and/or needs help... because of you or NOT because of you but something/someone else... or think he/she might do something dangerous... to himself/herself, others, or YOU (and while there aren't ALWAYS "signs", there often are, if one just takes the time to get to know... and I mean really KNOW their child... which TAKES time and effort)... please... be a [good] parent and do what you SHOULD... what you MUST!
If you need to take time off to spend with your kid(s), need to quit your job even... heck, need to MOVE so as to take your child out of an enviroment that is detrimental to him/her (and perhaps others, including you as a result)... do what you SHOULD... what you MUST.
Because if you don't... and you should have... COULD have... YOU may also be responsible for what your child ultimately does in his/her life. Also, because, as we often see, not only might that kid end up killing others... but end up killing you.
Peace. Truly. Especially in the home.
A slave of Christ,