Atheists, what do you think of this video?
by cedars 14 Replies latest jw friends
I believe they both have wonderful voices and that one is still alive.
Yum Yum Mariah Carey's bum
That is all...
I notice Cofty is silent. I bet this song has floored him. You just can't argue with the logic in those lyrics.
intellectualization is the escape in this case
Intellectualization is a 'flight into reason', where the person avoids uncomfortable emotions by focusing on facts and logic. The situation is treated as an interesting problem that engages the person on a rational basis, whilst the emotional aspects are completely ignored as being relevant.
such glorious beauty can be no accident
I assume you are being ironic Cedars?
Well, yes, I am! Sorry!
There is a slightly serious element though. Do atheists react with offense to this song in the same way as a believer might react with outrage to a song saying how great it is to not believe in anything? Is there any element of offense from an atheist perspective, or just total bemusement?
Just condescending amusement. *runs for cover*
As an athiest I am not offended by this video .. Their voices are spectacular! The concept of prayer during troubling times is something I obviously don't buy into, and I think it takes away from the ability to manage and solve your own problems which is, depsite what you believe, you're gonna end up doing anyway.. LOL
Who really does know what you can achieve when you believe IN YOURSELF?
There can be what seems like miracles when you believe IN YOURSELF.
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill when you believe IN YOURSELF.