visiting latin america i also saw armed guards on every ice cream stand. didn't make it any more secure though.
"Right to bear arms" should mean ...
by Simon 616 Replies latest members politics
I can't remember the last time I saw an armed guard in a bank. Banks do not want gun fights inside where their customers are. Bank robbers don't want gun fights either. All you need is a scrap of paper to hand the teller.
However I do see armed guards driving up to my Kroger's in an armored truck to protect the cash.
Unfortunately I do think the time has come that we will need to have armed personnel in our schools since that has become a consistent target of choice for deranged heavily armed people.
I am also sure a program to maintain the highest safety level can be designed and implemented at our schools. Nor would it be a problem if a few teachers perhaps with military backgrounds would volunteer (with a little extra pay) to learn what to do, how to do it and regularly refreshed the skill set needed.
Six teachers died in this most recent shooting many who were trying to protect the children. I'd rather know we had a couple of them trained and ready then to see my grandchildren sit there with no protection at all.
We've made our bed in this country by allowing foolish amounts of guns to be totally available......... now we have to deal with the problems.
If we are alright about armored Cars and armed guards protecting money and armed guards protecting airline passengers I think it's time we protected our most cherished citizens.
P.S I also think we should advertise directly to these nut cases. "Attention potential armed angry mass murderer! Become an American hero.............. shoot yourself first!
@deputy dog
If people are really serious about stopping this kind of thing, they are going to have to come to terms with providing for armed personnel inside ALL schools regardless of any new “gun laws”. It’s been happening in many inner city schools already. Anything short of that is a guaranty something similar WILL happen again.
And armed guards in all schools are a guarantee it WON'T happen again?
Isn't there another thread that has as it premise that 'nutcases will do whatever it takes' (watch out for clingfilm and sawdust massacres) - so what use is your armed guard if that is the case?
I'd value your opinion on what I already said on this thread:
The USA has 15x per capita guns in circulation compared to the UK. Yet the USA has 74x the firearm homicide rate. There is a non-linear acceleration between number of guns and death by guns. You don't just get more death with more guns, you actually get more, more, more death. And yet you are suggesting the answer might be....wait for it...MORE GUNS.
Deputy Dog
And aremd guards in all schools are a guarantee it WON'T happen again?
I never said it was, but it is a REAL step at protecting the most vulnerable.
Gun laws, even if they are passed and found to be constitutional, can't protect you from a nutjob. At some point actual deadly force will be needed for enforcement.
At some point actual deadly force will be needed for enforcement.
We have had 3 gun massacres here in the UK in the last 60 years - 1987, 1996 and 2011 - in each case the assailant topped themselves before enforcement could capture or kill them.
I suspect when all you have is a gun, everywhere can start to look like a prison...and what are your thoughts on protecting the school bus?
Any comments on the correlation between gun proliferation and per capita firearm homicides?
How about the accidental death rate from fireams being 2x that of the UK - any comments on that?
If I were in the UK, I would worry more about bomb attacks.
Witness My Fury
This is where you are heading....
These kids are now ready for school:
(the two on the left dont know it, but are about to get their heads blown off)
OK - so if the "Right to bear arms" should mean you can only own a musket - excluding modern weapons -
Does that mean that the "Right to free speech" should exclude saying things on TV or the Internet?
The USA has 15x per capita guns in circulation compared to the UK. Yet the USA has 74x the firearm homicide rate. There is a non-linear acceleration between number of guns and death by guns. You don't just get more death with more guns, you actually get more, more, more death.
I think to deny that there is a connection is to deny reality. I would like to understand the connection better though. What, for example do you think of papers like this by criminologists who claim to be neurtral? (I really don't know if they are or not.)