This conversation was so absurd...that I actually chuckled under my breath.
..The shooting in Conneticut really hit me I decided to call my parents, kids and siblings just to say hello and I loved them.
Well my dad was happy to hear from me and said he loved me as well. He said, I know you don't want to hear this...but because we are in the last days things like this is going to happen and even get worse. Well I had to bite my tongue...because I really just want to show my parents I love them and spend time with I choose not to dispute his statement. I just said dad no matter the reason it's horrible and I'm praying for understanding for the parents, children etc. involved.
...well we had other pleasantries...even discuss gun control...yes if my father voted...he would vote democrat...I even joke with him about this. I was he said he would.
But this is the statement that he made that my stomach I had to end the conversation. I'm right now...thinking about some topics to talk to people in field service about!!!!! OMG!!! WOW WOW AND WOW!!!!
As I told you...I choose my battles and my dads beliefs about his religion is his choice and I don't even try and reason with him. I said Dad, I just called to let you all know I love and miss you. I will talk to you later.