Jesus could raise the dead, give sight to the blind and calm storms. Seems to me he had a great grasp of the sciences in order to do that. So it is not that Jesus didn't know these things, it was just that passing it on to the masses wasn't the plan at that time.
When modern science is able to stop storms and raise the dead, then I'll be impressed. Jesus was exactly what he was supposed to be for that day and time.
Now, Christ returned in 1992. I'm expert in ancient astrochronology. I post all the time how the VAT4956 was really designed to preserve the original chronology of king Nebuchadnezzar II which had been distorted by the Persians prior to the Seleucid Era. But few are able to follow that. So you need really smart people to follow really advanced concepts, and it's just not out there in the general public right now. It's like someone who is a chess expert and someone who is not. A chess expert can look at a game in progress and understand what is going on; someone who does not know chess will jusst see some chest figures on a board and it means nothing.
Jehovah will accomplish his purpose using a few people at first, the masses will catch up after Armageddon.
So this concept of contribution is an interesting one. But look how much persecution others with brilliance got when they came forward. It was blasphemy at one point to say the world was not flat. So that world back there had no concept for modern science, communicating with them through miracles was more effective.
Besides that, God likes giving his special light to a select few while keeping others in total darkness. Thing is, those in darkness often love to be in darkness, so even if you try to educate them, they run from the light. So what good is knowledge if people want to remain ignorant?