Hi everyone,the last couple of weeks I have been reading about meditation and have tried several times.One of the times I did a Native American guided meditation and actually had a unusual experience, seeing a wolf and a man dressed in victorian clothing,of course I had my eyes closed but this was different then a dream,it wasn't scary or anything,I hope nobody thinks I'm nuts,,I was just wondering if anyone else has experience with this,,being a Witness most of my life I have been checking out other forms of spirituality,and meditation has been around for thousands of years and seems beneficial to those that do it....Thank you for your thoughts
Meditation, your thoughts?
by besunny 19 Replies latest jw friends
They say Buddhists are the happiest people on earth. One explanation may be their practice of being in the moment. Perception of time is slowed. Pleasure is savoured. The memory lingers. This corresponds with other reading I've done about being in the moment.
I took a chronic health management course where most of my fellow participants were dealing with chronic pain (not me, gratefully). We were given a meditation CD that helps manage pain. This has a credible pedigree as well, coming from Stanford.
There are many different forms available. In focussed meditation, imo it's important to keep thoughts from your own mind out of it. The point of a focussed med is only to see, at least initially. Other forms of meds can help in getting clear what ones own mind generates.
I find that something genuinely seen on a focussed med takes time to digest and get to the core of. 'Course, i'm still an amateur.
Thanks jgnat ! it is a very intersting subject,so much to learn :)
yes satanus,,it is very hard to try to clear the mind of thoughts and focus,I had never tried before this,I'm a total amature but would like to keep going with this
I never could meditate, very nervous from the JW life, until I learned to do breathing exercises. After that it became easy to drop into a meditative state anywhere and any time, provided I could remember to do it. I highly recommend breathing exercises where you count your breath in and out while trying to synchronize your heart rate with your breath. With practice you can easily drop into the range of yogic breathing.
Benefit? Makes me calmer and more peaceful, helps me react better in stressful situations, all the other stuff they tell you.
I meditate, visualizations are not unusual when meditating, all you are doing is tapping in to your own subconscious mind. I find when I meditate, my dreams become more vivid and memorable. This is a good thing. Meditation helps you get in touch with your feelings , motivations and thought. As a JW, you are used to thinking and feeling what you are supposed to, per the Watchtower rules. We subvert our own thoughts, feelings and desires, which is a very unhealthy state. I think that is why so many JWs drink a lot. Meditation gradually gets you back in touch with your true self. The visualizations are actually a good sign.
It's good for relaxation. That's it. No magical powers or supernatural insight available. Mindfulness is also pretty good in helping people with addictions and other issues. Keeps them focused on the now. Brain is pretty amazing when it's used properly.
Meditation is marvelous. It is greatly beneficial in pain management and healing.
Physically, it is just learning the wondrous act of letting the left side of your brain (which chatters on endlessly) HUSH for a while... and allowing the right side of your brain (the creative, artistic, and healing side) have its own "say" and experiences for a change.
I practice what is known as "mindfulness" meditation (every day) which begins by being aware of your breath, and letting any thoughts that arise just float by (unjudged) like leaves in a stream.
Baba. -
I've been meditating for nearly 40 years. There are many many kinds of meditation, but in my opinion the simpler the techniqe the better. Here's what I wrote recently on another board:
"The less complicated your technique is the better. Sit comfortably with eyes closed and put attention on your breath. Just notice the inhale and exhale without trying to manipulate it in any way. Pay close attention to the changes in the flow of the breath without trying to manipulate it in any way. Since your meditation focus is the breath dismiss as unimportant any thoughts that come.
"You may notice breath getting very very subtle and even to seemingly stop. Before that happens you may notice a short pause at the end of the inhale or the exhale - these pauses may get longer and longer over time, and then you may notice thought stream stops completely - just rest within this silence when that happens. When you find yourself caught up in thought stream simply return attention to the breath again. Never judge yourself during your meditation - just take it as it comes. Start with maybe 10 or 15 minutes at a time and then increase your time when you get accustomed to sitting still."