Study the Bible with JW - Any advice?

by FingersCrossed 60 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • FingersCrossed

    A lot of people here can testify that if you think there's no way that could happen, you are in real danger of it.

    Thanks Ding. I'll extra careful and will ask A LOT of stupid questions

    You should probably get to know as much about the Bible and JW beliefs as you can, though, because they come up with this stuff that seems semi-convincing and like they really know what they're talking about.

    Been doing a lot of homework lately but not sure if it is enough. There are a lot of beliefs and theory aka doctrine of the JWs that I don't quite understand (maybe because it doesn't make sense and not Biblical - more of human interpretation and assumptions instead of what is written in the Bible). Reading threads here helps a lot really.

  • ilikecheese

    You know, you could probably just post in this thread which part of the Bible you're going to be reading together each session. That way, the members here can give you a heads up on things that the JW will try to assert in that particular section. Then you can be prepared for that and have ideas to combat it. I'm sure people here would be willing to help!

  • fundie troll
    fundie troll

    Well Fingers Crossed, good luck. I've been reading through the responses to your question...some have good advice, some not so good. I'm an evangelical who has been participating in a "bible study" with a JW for about 5 or 6 months now. Here's what you can expect:

    1) Your study will most likely consist of the witness going through watchtower literature, which usually consists of one of the three: "What Does The Bible Teach?", "Awake", or "The Watchtower". The witness will then use proof texts from the bible to support the positions/claims of the literature. As one forum member here said, even if the witness doesn't use his/her literature, they will probably gravitate towards whatever material is being covered that month, because they don't study the bible per se, they study proof texts to support Watchtower theological positions.

    2) Your witness will most likely use the New World Translation, as they believe that all other bible translations have been corrupted.

    3) Your witness has been taught that all churches and christian organizations outside of the Watchtower are part of Babylon, and therefore you are not a true believer and are apostate.

    4) Witnesses generally don't conduct studies alone, so there may be another person present (although if a witness feels comfortable around you they may conduct a study alone).

    First a warning: I would only recommend a study for those who are mature Christians and grounded in the Word of God. Of course since the reason for the study in the first place is because of a romantic involvement, I'm sure my advice will be quickly discarded

    With that being said, a study with a witness can be a rewarding experience. One of the things it will do is force you to re-examine your beliefs and the scriptural basis for those beliefs. You might also discover that despite the demonization of the Watchtower organization by evanglical Christianity, witnesses are actually people!

    Finally, I would say that if you are going to participate in a study with a witness, be kind and courteous. Remember 2Timothy 2:24-26..."And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, correcting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will."

    Also remember that Paul became all things to all people so that by all means he might save some. To those who were jews, he became as a jew. To those under the law, he became as one under the law. So to a witness, why not become as a witness? Pray to Jehovah God if you are leading prayer. Quote scripture from the NWT whenever possible. If your study involves the use of Watchtower literature, be sure to familiarize yourself with the literature beforehand.

    In closing, I don't know exactly what your motivations are for participating in this study. If in fact part of the reason is romantic, this may not end well for either of you. I can't stress enough that this should only be undertaken by those who are mature christians who will not be blown about by every wind of doctrine. JW's are very good at what they do, and they can chew up and spit out your average christian (who is largely ignorant of what is in their bible).

    That being said, providence to you! May God grant you wisdom and discernment, and may God bless your study and open the eyes of the blind!

  • fundie troll
    fundie troll

    Oops, looks like when I cut and pasted that scripture I ended up w/ superscript text...let's try that last bit again:

    Finally, I would say that if you are going to participate in a study with a witness, be kind and courteous. Remember 2Timothy 2:24-26..."And the Lord's servant must not be quarrelsome but kind to everyone, able to teach, patiently enduring evil, c orrecting his opponents with gentleness. God may perhaps grant them repentance leading to a knowledge of the truth, and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, after being captured by him to do his will."

    Also remember that Paul became all things to all people so that by all means he might save some. To those who were jews, he became as a jew. To those under the law, he became as one under the law. So to a witness, why not become as a witness? Pray to Jehovah God if you are leading prayer. Quote scripture from the NWT whenever possible. If your study involves the use of Watchtower literature, be sure to familiarize yourself with the literature beforehand.

    In closing, I don't know exactly what your motivations are for participating in this study. If in fact part of the reason is romantic, this may not end well for either of you. I can't stress enough that this should only be undertaken by those who are mature christians who will not be blown about by every wind of doctrine. JW's are very good at what they do, and they can chew up and spit out your average christian (who is largely ignorant of what is in their bible).

    That being said, providence to you! May God grant you wisdom and discernment, and may God bless your study and open the eyes of the blind!

  • garyneal

    Well, as my posts and my links suggest, I think this is largely an exercise in futility. However, if you are intent (as I can tell you are) in going through with this, here are some suggestions.

    I think you stated that this person is not an active witness. Like a christian who does not attend church regurlarly but still believes in the Bible and God, he or she may envision a 'perfect family life' that involves regular church / meeting attendance, mutual studying of the scriptures, and family prayer. Both the witness and the christian may harbor this hope for the idealic family within their respective religions. If either the christian or the witness feel that his or her religion is right and/or the other's religion is wrong, prepare for a lot of disappointment as it will be hard to shake the faith of either one of them.

    Think about it, sure Christ Jesus was not born on December 25th but the typical christian sees nothing wrong with celebrating the first advent of Christ around the holidays and for many of them adds to the meaning of this time of year. The witness, on the other hand, sees this as wrong since it is based on a false premise. Likewise, the witness knows that Watchtower does get a few things wrong and may be wrong about things today, but the witnesses are good people trying very hard to serve Jehovah through an imperfect organization and that does not make them all that bad. At least that is the reasoning of the witness but the christian, on the other hand may wonder why the witness is so hard on outside religions when looking at their blemishes while simultaneously giving their own religion a pass concerning its own imperfections.

    In the cases of both the witness and the christian, if neither one of them is very active in their chosen faith, they are probably holding this idealic view of their individual churches' teachings while recognizing that they just need to work on themselves to attain this 'perfect life.' The life that will probably not happen until after they get married, settle down, have kids, and THEN want to get more involved in their faith. If this describes either you or that witness in the slightest, prepare for a lot of disappointment unless either one of you is willing to give up your cherished beliefs (and I am assuming that you have a belief) and come together somehow. This is the voice of experience talking.

    So let's say you manage to extract this person away from his faith in the Watchtower and the Jehovah's Witness teachings. Then what? Do you expect that he will embrace Christianity? Some might, but judging from the posts I read on this board, the words that my wife says when she is truly examining things, and from the words of one of my co-workers who was once raise a witness but is not one today, the most likely path for this individual is extreme skepticism that will most like lead to him becoming an agnostic leaning atheist. After all, if he believes that most christian churches are wrong and later discovers that his own church is wrong, how can he possibly prove that any one of them is right? As Terry pointed out, there are NO signed original writings of the various books of the Bible, there are only copies of copies. Add to that the fact that the collection of books that currently make up the Bible were all chosen by religious leaders over the centuries coupled with the fact that not all Bible canons are the same will ultimately lead anyone who is seeking the truth to wonder what exactly it is. The truth is, most people who have accepted a 'religious truth' cannot handle the truth.

    Good luck to you, and feel free to post your progress with this individual as we will all be happy to critique your position and his most likely responses based on Watchtower teachings. However, I believe that unless he sees the dishonesty and double standards in this religion for himself, you are not going to get very far in cracking his JW armor. He is trained to ignore outsiders when they say things that attack their faith.

  • flipper

    " Study the Bible with JW - Any advice " ? Yes, don't do it ! You are studying to become a mind controlled cult member of the Jehovah's Witness organization. They will use all types of coercive, manipulative teachings to suck you in which are lies, then once you ARE in or baptized you will be expected to tow the line with no freedom of choice or you will not be allowed to make your own decisions. WT Society will make those decisions for you

  • Resistance is Futile
    Resistance is Futile

    The Watchtower Corporation has been refining their indoctrination techniques for decades, so be very careful. I'm not implying that individual JW's have an insidious agenda to recruit you into the cult, they're simply doing what they're told. They merely use the indoctrination techniques the Watchtower teaches them.

    I strongly recommend that you read "Combatting Cult Mind Control" by Steven Hassan. You can get it used off for a very reasonable price, the information it contains is priceless. It will help you understand the mindset of JW's.

    JWfacts is also a great resource to find out what the Watchtower really teaches.

  • problemaddict

    Hey FC,

    Well now that we are into this it seems the reasons are a little more clear. Just my 2 cents.

    1) Some people here disparage the NWT. I quite frankly other than the use of Jehovah in the NT in places not quoting the OT, have no problem with the NWT at all. Some people feel it is biased, and quite frankly that charge could go both ways. Most of the scriptures up for discussion, are trinitarian related in my humble opinion.

    2) More important than the bible you use, its the CONTEXT of what you read. Make sure to develope your critical thinking. i myself consider my self a Christian (trying to be anyways), but I hold no fundamentalist views really.

    3) Try to avoid doctrine.

    4) Accept the good for what it is. Gary gave you great advise. He probably has always had in his mind what a perfect family is, and what would make him happy. He is probbaly trying to "settle down".

    5) THIS IS KEY. If the point of this study is to get you to be a JW, and at the end you already know that if you are not one he will not be with you, stop this now. You should be frank with him up front. Ask if you were not to be a JW, would he still love you or be with you. Even after you gave it a fair shot. if the answer is no.....step.


  • InterestedOne

    I like #5 and believe it applies in general. I went through a phase of considering becoming Catholic (attachment/sympathy for it due to family & childhood memories, perhaps like your boyfriend might with JW's), but my girlfriend was evangelical. I would drop hints about Catholic stuff, and finally she said, "look, I'm not going to become Catholic." I'm glad she was straight up because it forced me to get real about the implications for our relationship. I would never say it couldn't work, but you should find out if he feels your love for each other transcends religious differences.

  • garyneal
    Gary gave you great advise. He probably has always had in his mind what a perfect family is, and what would make him happy. He is probbaly trying to "settle down".

    More like discovering myself. Truth is, my wife and I did have these visions in our minds of what we thought a 'perfect family' would be like as it pertains to our religion. We both changed, but not in the ways either one of us expected. She and I both have attachments and sympathies for our respective religious backgrounds due to upbringing and experiences but we are now both skeptics (leaning agnostics).

    I respect and support my wife now as she tries to maintain ties to the witnesses and even encourage her at times but caution her as to what she can say to them (as if she don't already know). She shares with me how she truly feels and says things that would never be allowed in a kingdom hall and I share with her all the dumbness I see in the churches now. She nearly tipped her hand to a witness friend one time when she casually said to her, "If I weren't a witness, I'd probably be an atheist." To say this raise eyebrows for her friend is an understatement and she realized VERY quickly that you watch what you say amongst the witnesses.

    I wish I could get her to meet other witnesses who still maintain a very simple faith in God but has issues with the witness doctrines. That is where she is right now. jwstruggle might be a good place but she is not ready for that.

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