Westboro Baptists to Picket Sandy Hook - This is why I hate religion
by cantleave 61 Replies latest jw friends
if these people held signs up celebrating the children being murdered, then if i was law enforcement, i would look the other way if someone were to assault them. thats just my take. this is beyond outrageous, and i think people should do what they need to in order to get these sick f**kers to stop. im all for free speech, but this is something that should be met with some kind of force.
dude ,thats horrible ,please understand they are not what christain believe
How many Fundamentalist pastors have come out with the same message in the past few days, its how they roll.
designs, many who profess jesus are not his follwers,these ppl are evil,please dont put us(normal believers in there catogry. i would love to give them a piece of my mind.
Unstop - Perry came out with similar crap yesterday, it's all bible based!
did you see what i said on that post,not everyone saying lord lord...
God did it, is their message. Then, they worship that god.
I knew they were going to picket it. If the news would stop talking about them they would disappear.
if anyone is not sadden by the events of friday, than they are sick and i would say they dont have true love