It was Jesus who said--satan is the ruler of this world. Yes every human on the planet has a form of love as all did in Noahs day as well. They do nice things for each other, they love,share,care just like the people in Noahs day did as well. Here are some with such a strong love for Jesus and their fellow man that they spent their time doing powerful works in the name of Jesus--yet Jesus rejects them-Matt 7:21-23.
Yes there are many kind deeds done on a daily basis--not only from those claiming to be christian, but from muslims,buddists, etc,etc,even those in prision for crimes against humanity do acts of kindness. Hitler did acts of kindness,had love in his heart--Gods word teaches that even the wicked love their family and friends but it is to no avail. i guess the biggest problem for mankind is that they think they say what is wicked and what isnt, but it is far from truth--Gods word has clearly shown what God says is wicked. That is why it is a wise decision on everyones part to listen to and apply this teaching of Jesus-- Man does not live by bread alone, but by every utterance of Gods-- That means applying every utterance.
It is a good thing to have good works according to James who taught--faith without works is dead--meaning--by doing works it builds ones faith into a strong living faith--without doing the works ones faith is worthless. Anyone can say i have faith, but is it true?