Long time lurker FINALLY joining
by HBH 39 Replies latest jw friends
Welcome, HBH. So glad you made it onto the forum. You'll find a great resource for information and support here.
and good for you!
Welcome, from one of the boards most active posters. :-)
Welcome to JWN HBH
I still believe in many JW doctrines, but it is clear the the org is corrupt.
I think most people would agree with you including myself that the org. did perhaps get certain things right
but there's a lot they got wrong.
Thanks again for the warm welcome! And a to the single ladies.
I vanished and cut all ties from the cong where my card is, no family there. They could probably find my address if they really tried, but it's been five years. The main thing is my JW parent who would be heartbroken if found out I was out of the org.
All the best,
HBH Nice to see you here. Hope you find what you are looking for.
I will keep the tigers away from you.
Broken Promises
hi from Australia!
I was a born-in and I left at around the same age as you, leaving for good when I was 30.
At first I let the family think I was still active but I got tired of living a lie, and just told them I wasn't going anymore. It has caused some problems but we've decided to just not talk about religion or JWs to keep the piece. It's taken ALOT of work to get to this stage but it can be done.
It has been easier to leave as a single person than if I was married and had children to worry about.
I'm female, btw. How you doin?
nancy drew
i'm sure you'll find a place here.
The thorny problem of association with Jehovah's Witnesses is the price you pay: you give up your right to reality!
You must lie. A lie steals reality. It substitues a false description for the true description.
Now that you see them for what they are you have rid yourself of the false description. But, to remain in good standing
you must deny reality.
Two worlds and you have one foot in each. How long can you stand like that?