I have this observation: I still have a number of JWs on my facebook, although the majority on my friends list are now "worldly" ones. After the tragedy on Friday, immediately I saw an outpouring of sympathy, prayers, and condolences posted from all the non-JWs. Friday and through the weekend, the Witnesses seemed oblivous. They spoke about what restaurants they were visiting and all the other uninteresting stuff they were involved in at the moment - but no heartfelt feelings about the events. It was a striking observation between one group vs. the other. The love that was outpouring from non-Witnesses was overwhelming. It really pissed me off that the "true Christians" were so unmoved - utterly self absorbed. (I say true Christians with utmost sarcasm.)
Finally yesterday one Witness quoted James 1:13 and explained how we should not blame God for the events on Friday. (I'm sure they counted that as FS time.) Another mentioned the JW.org news headline regarding the two Witness kids at Sandy Hook and how those two will need our prayers in the coming days. WTH!
I found the JW news item nauseating. I'm glad the two kids weren't hurt, but it appeared to me as if the organization is just exploiting this tragedy to show how "relevant" they are to regular society. No condolences on behalf of the organization to any of the victims' families. Reminds me of Jesus' words: "Every tree not producing fine fruit gets cut down and thrown into the fire. Really, then, by their fruits you will recognize those men." (Mt. 7:19, 20)
I hope I wasn't so aloof back on Sept 11, 2001, but I probably was... at that time I was on the track of becoming a MS with my sights to eventually become an elder. So ashamed now to have been part of this terrible cult. Such hypocrisy!