Just five minutes ago I was wrapping Xmas gifts at the apartment complex wrapping party. It was kind of embarassing though, as they noticed I was doing a poor job at it. I told them I never learned how to wrap gifts. Of course, the reason for that is that I never had the opportunity to do so, not having celebrated birthdays nor Christmas growing up. Nor did I learn how to decide to give someone else a gift. My mom had a family gift-giving day when I was 19 or so, which was something we hadn't done since I was 8 or so (the only other time I can remember when we "could get presents all year"), which was a substitute birthday party, and of course I wasn't the one giving presents. So I got my mom an expensive gift that was ridiculously stupid, and she got mad at me and felt I insulted her, and of course all the presents she got me were really nice and suited to my interests. But this was pretty much the first time I ever went out to buy her a present (and we had never celebrated Mother's Day either of course), and I really didn't have much experience in trying to figure out something she would like. So it sucked. I remember she was disappointed in me for quite a while after that.
"We get presents all year; who needs Christmas"
by WTWizard 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
^^^I too am a terrible gift wrapper. Bags with tissue are my best friend.
To be honest, I have zero interest in Christmas.
I will say this though. My family did a good job of not making me feel left out. They always did what they could, bought me things when they could, and we had our own little rituals and things that I remember fondly. I know I am one of the lucky ones, but it isn't universal.
finally awake
In the hall I attended there were roughly 15 kids over the years that were young enough to have toys. As far as I could tell, having seen the inside of every room in all their homes, they all had plenty of toys. It didn't appear that any of the children were shortchanged in terms of quantity or quality, and pretty much every category of toy was represented. As far as my own kids, my house often looked like a tornado had hit a Toys R Us. Whenever my kids asked for a toy, I pretty much ran out and bought it. We took regular family vacations that didn't involve attending an assembly, meetings, or field service. I don't feel like my kids were materially deprived, but I do agree that they were deprived of the normal holiday and birthday experiences and the normal ability to develop friendships with other kids outside the hall.
nuthouse escapee
So glad you brought this topic up WT WIZARD. My dad was a real tight-wad so this religion was perfect for him. I always hated going to school after x-mas and being asked what I got and having to tell them the lie that we didn't need x-mas to get gifts but we get gifts all year long. That was such a crock but it was too embarrassing to say that we never got anything. I never got a wrapped present, ever!
Leolaia, I can so relate to what you said. It is getting easier to figure out what to buy people as a gift. The first x-mas I can't believe I bought my hubby socks, long underwear and a pair of coveralls. I am learning how to give actual gifts and not just practical stuff. LOL
I didn't get presents.
I got an allowance, and any non neccesary things I recieved were bought using that allowance.
I'm not actually complaining, allowance is cool and it's not like they HAD to give it to me.
But as far as the 'who needs birthdays/christmas, I get gifts all year!' argument? Bullcrap.
I hearby nominate the first Sunday in January the, give your favorite elder a gift, day--
Most elders don't even know they need this product-- great to use before those back room commitee meetings -
There is something that helps build character when, at certain times of the year, you are forced to think about what a whole bunch of other people might like. Caring about others is a virtue and it needs to be developed, like any other virtue.
finally awake
wish I could see your pic Moshe
It's another myth. Though there may be some JWs who buy gifts for their children at other times of year, there's certainly nothing universal about it. (And if they're doing it to 'make up for' Christmas or birthdays, aren't they just trying to 'trick' God anyway? )
And are we supposed to imagine that all the 'poor little worldly children' only get presents at Christmas and birthdays??
nuthouse escapee
Can't see Moshe's pic either