TC does the happy dance! Down with the Tower!!!!!
Watchtower pedophilia scandal in Norway
by blond-moment 17 Replies latest jw friends
The watchtower is going down!!!
^^^^ For some reason, I still don't think so.
The Conti case got ALMOST no media coverage here in the States.
but it would be great to open some of the R&F's eyes.
wha happened?
that's a good point Mr Guapo. And even when it does receive massive media attention such as what happened 10 years ago here in the states, talsk were already given at the hall not to watch such reports.
Either way, the GB knows enough of the JW's won't believe anything that doesn't flatulate out of the butts of the GB
Well I'm sure once Conti case wins the appeal it will be hard for the Watch Tower to recover from it like they did in the past, and all these cases that are pending will have greater chance success, and be given greater media coverage.
This is sooooooo awesome.
But I thought they had political neutrality. They claim they do. Accepting funding from the government is NOT neutrality. Neutral people stand on their own and support themselves. Accepting money from Satan's system makes them a part of it.