Well according to the Governing Body aka> Jehovah's Spokesman for the entire earthly population, a toy such as Sparlock that is in the posession of small children who's parents are JWs makes Jehovah "Sad".
Well if that is true then Jehovah needs to see a psychiatist for depression caused by unreasonableness and phobias. If this little child toy makes him sad, and prone to wrath and murder, as biblical accounts show him wipeing out vast portions of the human and animal populations when his sadness hits major proportions, he also needs to take some anger management courses to get a handle on his sanity and riegn in his jealousy which seems destructive and out of control at times.
It is no idle speculation that if Jehovah finds Sparlock offensive and makes him depressed, he's got some serious mental issues, but realistically this sadness is all a projection of the Governing Body and shows them to have the issues that they are projecting on a imaginary figure whom they call Jehovah. In other words the currant Governing Body are a bunch of mentally sick bastards in a delusional state of mind.