There is believing and then there is what GOES WITH believing.
Is believing in Jesus the only requirement for salvation?
by FingersCrossed 32 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Salvation (being saved from Satan, sin, sickness, suffering and death) is a free gift to those that would embrace the full unabridged gospel message, and reject religion; the common enemy of God and man.
Salvation cannot be earned, deserved or paid for.
Be good to people, donate to worthwhile causes if you can, enjoy family and friends and your favorite activities.
Don't worry about some rules in some book and/or from some belief system.
Maybe to the christian god salvation is not deserved...
ozziegal: I repeat, how do you know any wrath is coming?
Vanderhoven7: Your words "penalty of sin" are unclear to me. The word "salvation" implies harm is coming from which a person needs to be saved, or else he/she will be a victim of such harm. What harm does your so-called "penalty of sin" include, and how do you know this harm is coming?
Re: Salvation from the penalty of sin (salvation past), the power of sin (present) and presence of sin (future).
Interested: You wrote:
"Your words "penalty of sin" are unclear to me....What harm does your so-called "penalty of sin" include..."
Romans chapter 6 verse 23 starts with; "The wages of sin is death", (and to clarify the meaning of this penalty, balances it with it's opposite ) "but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord."
Biblically speaking Jesus saves the believer from eternal death which is symbolized by the lake of fire in Revelation 20:14.
Christ Alone
There is some discussion going around called "Lordship Salvation". Basically it states that yes, believing in Jesus is what saves you. But there should be outward evidence of your salvation. Jesus is your Lord AND savior. Your life should show that you are being led by the spirit, which it will if you have accepted the gift of salvation.
Many argue that this turns salvation into a works oriented salvation, but really this is not the case. It merely asks that if your life is not showing evidence of a change, then can you really claim to have accepted Jesus Christ as Lord over your life?
Salvation is a gift. And that cannot be earned through works. It all narrows down to that. But you can't think that the guidelines of the bible no longer apply to you. If we want to live the best way of life, we will follow the Word and be obedient. But this obedience does not earn us salvation. It is just evidence that we already HAVE been saved.
So to fully answer the question: Is believing in Jesus the only requirement for salvation? Yes. But if you do truly believe in Jesus, your life will show it.
<<So to fully answer the question: Is believing in Jesus the only requirement for salvation? Yes. But if you do truly believe in Jesus, your life will show it.>>
Well said. Believers do not receive the Holy Spirit (salvation) by works, but by faith. If the Holy Spirit indwells, works will follow.
One that was constantly hammered into my head growing up is the one in James about "faith without works is dead". I never could reconcile that one, or John 3:16 versus Revelation chapter 12 (letting the known child molestor into the playpen with the kids so to speak).
One that was constantly hammered into my head growing up is the one in James about "faith without works is dead".
That one was hammered into me a lot too by my wife when we discussed our differences in what constitute salvation. I personally do not accept that salvation requires any works because the amount of works that would be required would never be enough to measure up to what God requires of us, total perfection. He had to come down to us because we could never amount to His level.
Remember, the Jehovah's Witness is working for the hope that he or she will be saved. The never know if they have it in spite of them being baptised, pioneering, reaching out for privileges, serving in Bethel, whatever. They could literally be a saint and still don't know that they will not die at Armageddon. This concept is totally foriegn to your average Christian.