I am familiar with the parable, as found in Matthew. However, I don't understand the JW take on this one. JW's like to think of themselves as "sheep" and perhaps someone slamming the door in thier face a "goat." LOL. Isn't this parable about the "Son of Man" judging the nations? Do they honestly believe they are the "Son of Man?" What authority does any of us have to judge others? At what point is someone, perhaps a householder/potential study, deemed a "goat?" When they say I'm not interested? No thank you? I have my own beliefs and as am committed to them as you are your beliefs?
Sheep and Goats
by KistByQpid 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
I judge someone a goat when they start Baaaaaaaahing, eating corn out of my hand, and butting heads with others. om
The sheep are provided with what they need (food from the Spirit) and they pretty much know right from wrong. They are sometimes herded with the staff (Authority/Spirit within) - i.e. they do sometimes make concious choices in regard to right and wrong and in their heart they are influenced by the Spirit - so it is with people all over the world in various religions. They chew on what is eatable before them, and move along to a bit more. Sometimes they can stray along way and get into a lot of danger/trouble, and the shepherd goes to get them.
The goats also have the food (Spiritual) they need, but aren't satisfied with what they have inside - then they take all the food that the sheep have. Then there doesn't seem to be any food - even for the sheep. The goats climb mountains, where they can find some higher food, and from where they look down - and the sheep move on to another field when the shepherd shows them.
The angels, i.e. the plain speaking humble ("we will sleep in the street"), the oppressed and handicapped, the innocent of mind, etc, sort out sheep from goats for the Lord, the Shepherd.
So who are the goats? Is it that hard to figure ?
Who chews away on the low ground, and who "eats upon the mountains"?Bang
Refusing literature or not taking the time to listen to the publishers presentation is the same as turning your nose up at Jehovah.....hence, you are a goat.
They can judge you as one since Jesus gave the example of a goat.
He said those who would not hear the word and believe it were goats.Since their teaching's are handed down from Jesus, then when a householder refuses you...they have refused Jesus.
Thats all I haaaaaaaaaaave to say.
The WT are imposters.
Will Power
The WT spreads a gospel other than what was handed down. They shut out and lock the doors, they have 2 sets of scales esp. in regards to UN issue, they teach conditional love, they hold the symbol of life higher than life itself, deny Jesus esp. at the memorial, they have put themselves up in God's place, substituted themselves as mediator, they are a false prophet, they take advantage of the weak, put the fear of men in their hearts, steal their minds...etc. etc.They are sheep, but of a power hungry printing company.
You Know
In recent years the Watchtower has pointed out that the fulfillment of the parable takes place during the tribulation and not presently as we used to believe. During the tribulation is when Christ judges the nations. And, the basis of his judgment is how individuals treat his brothers. Christ's brothers are those who are also called ambassadors, who are substituting for Christ. The goats are those who simply ignore Jesus' brothers, while the sheep are those who recognize them and make some effort to support them. / You Know
Very typical of the WT/JWs to judge everyone else a goat because they don't listen to them.
Sheep get their food in low ground, rich places with plenty of earth (humility). It's a simple thing. They did hear what Christ said "do the same as the Samaritan", and they chew on it throughout life. Sometimes the Shepherd takes them onto the slopes & foothills where they can both feed for a little while and see far.
The goats are always going and "eating upon mountains", in smaller groups, Which is ok, because if they're with sheep they keep taking the food.
The WT can "search the Scriptures" till never never - but looking around mountains for food isn't what He said to be doing. At least it's not what I heard about.
Still there YouKnow?
In all their 'wisdom', the WT society hasn't ventured to explain to you what 'eating upon mountains' is all about, have they, or even why sheep and goats are the study animals. It's more like some extra and useful derrogatory language to them I think.
Do you really believe that the goats are simply those who ignore JWs, the 'substitutes' for Christ ?
You can learn a lot more from nature than the WT-BS org.
Bang -
Goats are cuter than sheeps!