We have entered a new era in our existence.

by Most Noble 11 Replies latest jw friends

  • Most Noble
    Most Noble

    We have entered a new era in our existence.
    A new beginning.
    A renewed enlightenment.

    Welcome to 21.12.2012

    We have entered a time of peace and harmony,
    hope and change,
    love and understanding.
    and a time of desire and ability to take back what has been taken from us. . . our dignity as human beings.

    We will no longer be subjected to tyrannical governments,
    man made religious directives
    and human degradation.
    We will stand as one against evil and injustice and pursue our right to exist in a free and just world.

    The time has come.
    The time is now,
    the scales have tilted
    and the power is now with the people.

  • Fernando


  • finallysomepride

    I bet you that in two weeks time, nothing will be any different than what things where 2 weeks ago

  • MrFreeze

    I drank Stones 12-12-12 beer last night. It was pretty good.

  • LouBelle

    I made it!

  • wannaexit

    Checking in!!! I survived too

  • rebel8

    But the hoopla about this "new era" originates with a man made religion...

  • wasblind

    Is this the New System Most Noble ??? Let's check and make sure

    go jump in a shark tank, if you survive, paradise have arrived

    And you now have a pet fish called "JAWS"

    I'll be your witness, that way I can post EXACTLY what I seen

  • wasblind

    Most Nobe, Meet me at the shark tank

  • WTWizard

    And the Dow is still holding up above 13,000? The end of the tyrannical systems would spell disaster for companies depending on such systems to lock out the competition. Which would make the big company/dictators look like sxxx, causing the value to collapse. Holding companies could do just so much to prop up the value, wasting wealth--and then the Dow would hit its fair value of zero. Your debt-based currencies would all become toilet paper, meaning only real assets (such as gold and silver) would have any value. Yet, the big banks Goldman Sack and JP Morgue have wealth to waste driving silver prices down?

    So much for people waking up en masse.

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