How many ways do know how to tell a gent that his zip is too low?
You are flying low...
by usualusername 22 Replies latest jw friends
The barn door is open.
Simple. Look him straight in the eye and say "Your fly is open". Do not lose eye contact. Do so only when he looks down. What comes next is unnessscary to watch.
finally awake
xyzpdq (examine your zipper pretty darn quick)
OK! BIG boy. Time to zip up.
The barn door is open _____cobaltcupcake
Hey CC, that happens when the stallion is tired of bein' cooped up
Needs to run, get some excercise
hey bro your dick is hanging out
Witness My Fury
Happens to the best of us at some time or another... repeat offenders on the other hand is a different thing entirely.
"Your flys are undone" said in a quiet nonjudgemental way is sufficient, most men are embarrassed by the mishap.
Happens to the best of us at some time or another..________Witness My Fury
Yep, It happen to women too. We have to zipp up fast
gotta keep kitty contained
I pity the poor woman who walks down the street with her dress tucked in to her tights, having left the bathroom in a hurry.
How do you not embarass her by telling her ?