i want to have an open and honest discussion out in the open between just you and me, about if being born agian is only of the 144,000 or is it a must for all to live forever on earth. neither of us can avoid questions and must answer the other question before ,the other can ask another question. no going off topic and only talk about this. i feel i have the truth,if you feel the same will you do this on this thread just me and you nobody else?
kjw53 i am offering you a challange!
by unstopableravens 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
unstoppableravens--- i do not know that much concerning this matter, but i would surely believe the fds over what your reasoning is. And in a sense a Jw does change their lives around so that persay they are bornagain in a sense. A JW strips off the old personality( worldly) and trys to live a righteous life with their whole heart,soul, mind,strength. Isnt that the idea of becoming born again?
nothing quite like putting your faith in a FDS that harbours paedophiles and predatory rapists of the GB, a FDS you joined the UN and lied about it , and sent their own brothers to such unspeakable suffering your wildest imaginations could never comprehend yet let their own brothers lie and steal in Mexico to dodge military service, yeah you put your faith in The FDS.
Sorry USR didn't read your entire post.
jookbeard--- and you saw all this with your own eyes right to make these accusations? The fds does not harbour pedophiles or rapists--that is a lie. And how is it since you couldnt possibly rate more than a belonging that you know more than the fds? Who appointed you?
the wt teaches that only the 144000 are born again, and only they are the children of god. why would you take what the wt teaches or me, you dont know anything about me or what i believe .thats why i want to have a honest talk in the open just me and you,here my deal if you show me using the bible that i can live forever without being born agian i will go back to the meetings,i am not dfed i am tech in good standings, if i can prove to you using just the bible that you must be born again to live forever, you have to study the bible for 1month with no outside influance just the bible? is it a deal? our everlasting life is hanging on this.
kjw53 lets keep this one on one . i hope all can just view with no comments
kjw53, have you spoke to many sexual abuse victims by JW's recently?
wha happened?
if u want it one on one, why not a pm? This is a discussion board, last I checked
because i want it to be open for everyone to see ,so he as a jw has to be honset, lest i say at least two witness rule,lol. i want him infront of all to be forced to be honest. and i will keep my word, i am not afraid of truth, he claims the same, so out in the open he can prove it. before he said it is a 10 on 1 and he would not answer my question, so this seems the best way.
unstoppableravens--- much of Gods written word was hidden from mankinds eyes for a reason until these last days--so that the fds and no one else could have truths revealed through them exclusively-- otherwise all through mankinds history, man could have studied Gods word and knew those truths, but it is clear at Daniel 12:4--they could not see the truths God hid just by reading the bible. Only through Jesus's appointed teachers would these truths be revealed at the proper time and become abundant in the last days( now). And until it was the proper time errors in teachings would occur thus changes had to be made--so this is fact--in the end whoever made the corrections from errors to truths, will be right in the end. And with the abundance of ridiculing hearts towards religions and teachings--all would see the changes.