Prison solution.

by jam 13 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jam

    How can you make prison so undesirable that one

    would never won,t to return? Today young man feel it,s

    a badge of honor to serve time.

    Maybe if they open the doors for JW,s to preach to the

    inmates, 24 hrs. a day. But seriously, what could be done to

    to cut down the prison population. Make inmates work from

    sunrise to sundown, hard work. There is to much free time

    in our prisons. One of the biggest problem, turing the prison

    system over to private investors or corporation. Their concern,

    keep the prison full for their investors. There are some gangs,

    in order to become a member you must serve time. Some guys

    look at prison as a vacation.

    My ex-brother in law told me years ago, (severing time for drugs)

    It,s not so bad in prison, great food. WTF!

  • ronwashington

    send all the prisoners on those Mars missions.

  • mrsjones5

    A lot of young folks in the hood emulate what they see and are exposed to. Growing up if all they see is guys on the corner doing nothing but selling drugs, making money and living large (so they think) and if all their friends and relatives are doing it, why not? Seems like a viable plan to them. But we know its a stupid dead end.

    I suppose it is possible to raise good kids in the hood but I didn't want that kind of strike against my kids.

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I have to say that I couldnt disagree with you more. I've known more than a few people that did prison time including an uncle that just got out and a cousin that just went in. Quite a few of the people I grew up with and went to school with did time and none of them viewed it as a vacation. If prison was so wonderful people wouldnt run from police. Two friends I grew up with shot up a police station. They will never see freedom again. One of the started snitching on the other to get his time reduced. If prison was so wonderful why didnt he just take those football numbers like a man?

  • Left in the Cold
    Left in the Cold

    I was astonished to learn a few years ago on NPR that prison is big for private investors. I thought they were all government owned.

    I can say, because I have a young sister that was in prison at 18 or 19, when they are young and they get out, they know how to do absolutely nothing. It's complete arrested development. It's very strange.

  • Knowsnothing

    Legalizing petty drugs like marajuana, although it would just be so much better if society as a whole dropped the whole drug culture, but we know that's not going to happen any time soon.

    Stop selling them to private corporations.

    Look at reforming the individuals, not putting them in a place that makes them worse.

  • jam

    Mt thought, 1) separate prisoners, a prison for blacks one

    for whites and one for hispanics. Before one is sent to prison

    awaiting in county jail, restriction are set up by the inmates.

    If you are not of that race or gang you can not use the showers

    or walk in restricted area, if you break those rules your ass is

    grass. 2)A prison for hard core criminals and those that are

    serving life.

    The hispanics gangs here do not won,t to serve time in a Mexico,

    why. Because is one of the most undersirable place to serve time.

  • jam

    Theocratie Sedition: I was mostly referring to gang

    members. I,m watching gangland on Tv as we speak.

    It,s frighten, these people don,t give a damn about prison.

    I agree with Mrsjones: These guys are role models, prison

    is a step up in the gang. Prison is a revolving door for many of

    our young men.

  • jam

    Knowsnothing: So true, "look at reforming the individuals,

    and don,t put them in a place where they come out worse off".

  • Theocratic Sedition
    Theocratic Sedition

    I hear you Jam and agree about the business aspect of prisons. What else can you expect from a country that worships the almighty dollar.

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