This link contains news of a letter sent to the elders about witnesses setting up stands to peddle literature in public places! how desperate are they? it sounds sad honestly... and they are told not to argue with apostates
New letter RE public witnessing.. omg they are setting up stands!!!
by BigE 42 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
wha happened?
I see it at colleges all the time
Sucks for them when they come across someone that knows how to deal with them they won't be able to pack up.
And not just anyone is qualified to do this shit work.
If I had to set up a booth and preach in the busiest areas of the city, it would be my cue to get out of there for good!
wha happened?
At least in Los Angeles, I've seen it also at a few DMV's
Interesting... I was unaware of this being done bit perhaps its working and now they are expanding
most places around here have specific signs that there is to be no soliciting on their property. i am sure management would not allow for it. surprised a dmv would allow it....weird. and isn't kinda ironic that they set up at colleges when they are so against education beyond high school or a trade school?
...........and nursing homes?!?!?! most of those people have alzheimer's or dementia sufficient enough so that they can barely remember who they are, much less get any comprehension of a new or different religion....
Saw it here in downtown Vancouver, Canada at the entrance to one of the Skytrain stations (subway). I could tell that the couple maintaing the stand were thrilled. I've seen it at the University of BC from time to time, but first time I've seen it downtown.
Interesting... I was unaware of this being done bit perhaps its working and now they are expanding
Yes, when you view this news against the backdrop of unprecedented branch closures, record hours-to-baptism ratios, selling-off of facilities and reduction in magazine printing commitments, the setting up of a few bookstalls must mean that wondrous expansion is now taking place!!
"OMG" indeed.