If JW Missionaries Were Abducted By Terrorists How Would The Watchtower Society Handle It?

by minimus 25 Replies latest jw friends

  • 00DAD

    What wha happened? said

  • Balaamsass

    "It a shame what SATAN did to our brothers" ...."we will leave it in Jehovahs hands".....now, whats for dinner?

  • designs

    They'd collect on the Life Insurance policies.....


    This will make Wonderful Advertising for the WBT$..

    Hopefully theres More!..

    ........................ mutley-ani1.gif ... OUTLAW

  • unstopableravens

    if they got kidnapped for while it was a meeting and they wernt there prob say its because they were not put jehovah first, so if jehovah will not protect missionary if they are not putting the org first,how much more do we need to put meetings first

  • bigmac

    probably instruct the rank and file to "wait upon jehovah" that cop out seems to work every time

    also--send out a timely reminder about the resurrection. the suckers always go for that one.

  • bigmac

    probably instruct the rank and file to "wait upon jehovah" that cop out seems to work every time

    also--send out a timely reminder about the resurrection. the suckers always go for that one.

  • problemaddict

    Hmmm. Is this a real question? They would inform the authorities and pray. The military, gov, or police would probably say ransom payments don't work. If they did however and money was the target, I think the society would pay.

    Regardless, most kidnappings of JW's have nothing to do with money.

  • LongHairGal


    I am sure they would rush in with a BIG ransom to free the faithful JWs from certain death!


  • jam

    In the 70,s while serving in Belize, Guatemala were preparing

    to invade Belize. Since we only lived a few miles from Guatemala

    borders we(Missionaries) were concern. Calls was coming in from

    the states from our relatives, get the hell out of there. Word came from

    HQ in the states, use this time to preach, LOL. Well Britain mobilized

    their armed forces and Guatemala retreated. Thank goodness for

    those Herrier Jets

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